Widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot
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Widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot
The widow of Jean Trepperel (veuve Trepperel) continued the firm, working in partnership with her son-in-law Jean Jehannot from 17 September 1512 to c.1517. She then worked alone until c.1525 (see Widow of Jean Trepperel after the partnership with Jean Jehannot).
The partnership was prominent in the use of quire numbers.
For the typographical material, see the entry for Jean Trepperel.
1512Alexis, Guillaume, -1486?Sensuyt le debat de lhomme et de la femme. Compose par maistre Guillaume alexis. Auec une ioyeuse medicine pour les dentz.Imprime nouuellement a Paris: [pr. by the widow of J. Trepperel and J. Jehannot?], [c. 1512?].8°: A⁸.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot, with the typographical material of the Trepperel workshop.
[View full record] C.22.a.21 (lacks A8) 1512Paris. Prevôté.Les coustumes obseruees et gardees en la preuoste & viconte de Paris.[Paris]: [pr. by the widow of J. Trepperel and J. Jehannot?], [c.1512?].8°: A–F⁸.Printed in Paris with the typographical material of the partnership of the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot (from September 1512?).
[View full record] 1128.a.35(2). 1513Sensuit le mistere de monseigueur [sic] sainct pierre et sainct paul Par personnages.[Paris]: [Colophon in MS facsimile:] Nouuellement imprime a paris Par la veufue feu Iehan trepperel et Iehan iehannot, [c. 1513].4°: A–V⁸/⁴/⁸/⁴/⁴ [X⁸ y⁴ z⁶].Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot.
[View full record] C.107.c.15(1) (lacks sigs X, y, z, replaced in MS facsimile) 1513Bouchet, Jean, 1476-approximately 1558.La deploration de leglise militante.[Paris]: [widow of J. Trepperel and J. Jehannot], [c. 1513].8°: A–C⁸ D².Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot, with the typographical material of the Trepperel workshop.
[View full record] C.53.a.10 (lacks A1, A8, B1) 1514Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D.[Heroides. French.]Les .xxi. epistres douide translatees de latin en francoys, par octouien de saint gelaix.[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprime a Paris Par la veufue Iehan trepperel & Iehan Iehannot, [1514?].4°: A⁶ B–T⁴/⁸ V⁴.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot.
[View full record] C.48.d.3. 1514Sidrach le grant philosophe Fontaine de toutes sciences Contenant mille nonante & quatre demandes et les solutions dicelles.[Paris]: Imprime nouellement a paris [Colophon:] par la veufue feu iehan trepperel et Iehan iehannot, [1514?].4°: A⁸ B⁴ C⁶ a–f⁴/⁸ g⁴ h–t⁴/⁸ v–z & ʔ⁴/⁴/⁸.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot.
[View full record] 715.f.32. 1514Le courroux de la mort contre les angloys Donnant proesse & couraige aux Francoys.[Paris?]: [pr. by widow of J. Trepperel and J. Jehannot?], [c. 1514].8°: a⁴.Probably printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot with typographical material attributable to the Trepperel workshop.
[View full record] C.59.g.2. 1515Les grans et merueilleus faictz du seigneur Nemo.[Paris]: [pr. by the widow of J. Trepperel and J. Jehannot?], [c. 1515?].8°: A⁸.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot, with the typographical material of the Trepperel workshop.
[View full record] C.53.h.9(2). 1515Lacu, Jean de.La quenoulle spirituelle.[Paris]: [pr. by the widow of J. Trepperel and J. Jehannot?], [c. 1515?].8°: A–C⁸.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot, with the typographical material of the Trepperel workshop.
[View full record] C.107.a.12(1) (lacks C8) 1515[Meditation sur la Passion.]Meditacion tresdeuote pour chascune heure du iour sur la passion douloureuse de ... Jesus Auec les heures de la Croix.[Paris]: [Colophon:] Nouuellement imprimee En la rue neufue nostre Dame a lenseigne de lescu de France [address of the Trepperel shop], [c. 1515].8°: A–D⁸ E⁴.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot, with the address and typographical material of the Trepperel workshop, c. 1515.
[View full record] 1359.a.23. 1515Le grant Ordinaire des Chrestiens.[Paris]: [Colophon:] Nouuellement imprime a Paris Par le veufue feu Iehan trepperel & Iehan Iehannot libraire Iure, [c. 1515].4°: A⁴ B–N⁸/⁴/⁴ O–X AA–DD⁸/⁴/⁴/⁴ EE–GG⁸/⁴/⁴ HH⁶ II⁴.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot.
[View full record] 4403.g.41. 1515Proces formal dung poure humain.[Paris]: [pr. by widow of J. Trepperel and J. Jehannot?], [c. 1515?].8°: A⁸?.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot. with the typographical material of the Trepperel workshop.
[View full record] C.107.a.12(9) (misbound) 1515Pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite.[Theologia vivificans. French.]La theologie spirituelle, extracte des liures sainct Denis translatee de latin en francoys par vng religieux, de lordre des freres mineurs de lobseruance.[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprime a paris Par la veufue feu Iehan trepperel, et Iehan Iehannot, [c. 1515].8°: A–C⁸.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot.
[View full record] 4412.a.21 (with an extra leaf of woodcuts) 1515La grande et merueilleuse Prinse que les Bretons ont faicte depuis trois semaines en ca. Auec vnes lettres missiues enuoyees [a] sa dame en se mocquant delle. Et aussi la response de ladicte dame.[Paris]: [widow of J. Trepperel and J. Jehannot], [c. 1515?].8°: A⁸.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot, with the typographical material of the Trepperel workshop, c. 1515.
[View full record] C.107.k.2(1) (1st 2 and last 2 leaves only) 1515Sensuit la replicque faicte par les dames de Paris contre celles de lyon sur le rosne.[Paris]: [pr. by the widow of J. Trepperel and J. Jehannot?], [c. 1515?].8°: A⁸.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot, with the typographical material of the Trepperel workshop.
[View full record] C.107.k.2(2) (first 2 and last 2 leaves only) 1515Le premier [-second] volume de Merlin.[Paris]: Nouuellement imprime a Paris. On les vent a paris en la rune neufue nostre dame A lenseigne de lescu de France. [Colophon, vol. 2:] Nouuellement imprime a paris par la veufue feu Iehan trepperel et Iehan iehannot libraire iure, [1515–1517].4°: πA⁴ a–z & A–L⁸/⁴/⁴/⁴/⁴ M⁸; ã⁴, a–h⁸/⁴/⁴/⁴ i–z⁸/⁴/⁴/⁴/⁴ &⁸ aa–bb⁴ cc⁸.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot.
[View full record] C.39.e.13 (vols 1 and 2) 1515Les prophecies de Merlin.[Paris]: Nouuellement imprimees a Paris. On les vent a paris en la rue neufue Nostre dame a lenseigne de lescu de France.[Colophon:] Nouuellement imprimees a Paris par la veufue feu Iehan trepperel et Iehan iehannot, Imprimeur et libraire iure, [1515–1517].4°: ã⁶ a–h⁴/⁴/⁴/⁸ i–z⁴/⁴/⁴/⁴/⁸ & ʔ⁴.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot.
[View full record] C.39.e.13 (vol. 3) 1515[Jardin de plaisance.]Sensuyt le Iardin de plaisance et fleur de Rethorique.[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprime nouuellement a Paris Par la veufue de feu Iehan trepperel. Et Iehan iehannot Imprimeur & libraire iure, [1515–1517].4°: a–z & ʔ A–V⁸/⁴/⁴/⁴/⁴ X⁶ Y⁴.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot.
[View full record] 87.b.18(1). 1515Molinet, Jean, 1435-1507.Lart et science de rethorique pour faire rimes et ballades.[Paris]: On les vend a paris en la rue neufue nostre dame a lenseigne de lescu de France [widow of J. Trepperel and J. Jehannot], [1515–1517].4°: A⁸ B⁴.Printed in Paris with the address and typographical material of the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot.
[View full record] 87.b.18(2). 1515Sensuyuent: les cinquante & vng arestz donnez au grant conseil damours.[Paris]: Nouuellement imprimez a paris [Colophon:] Nouuellement imprime a paris par la veufue Iehan trepperel et Iehan iehannot Imprimeur et Libraire iure, [1515–1517].4°: A–F⁸/⁴/⁴ G–K⁴/⁸.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot.
[View full record] 90.i.22 (lacks K8) 1515[Jardin de plaisance.]Sensuit le Iardin de plaisance et fleur de Rethorique.[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprime nouuellement a Paris par la veufue de feu Iehan trepperel. Et Iehan iehannot Imprimeur & libraire iure, [1515–1517].4°: a–z & ʔ A–V⁸/⁴/⁴/⁴/⁴ X⁶ Y⁴.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot.
[View full record] 242.l.7 (incomplete made-up copy) 1515Oliuier de castille et Artus dalgarbe.[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprime a paris Par la veufue feu Iehan trepperel Et Iehan iehannot Imprimeur, et Libraire iure, [1515–1517].4°: A⁴ B⁸ C–G⁴ H⁸ I–K⁴ L⁶ M⁴.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot.
[View full record] C.39.d.16. 1515Bernardino, da Siena, Saint, 1380-1444.La petite Dyablerie dont lucifer est le chef, ... intitule Leglise des mauuais.[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprime a Paris par la vefue [sic] feu iehan trepperel et Iehan iehannot Imprimeur et libraire iure, [1515–1517].8°: A–F⁸ G⁸.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot.
[View full record] C.53.h.9(1). 1516Bougain, Michel, 14..-15.Le iardin spirituel de lame deuote.[Paris]: On les vent a paris en la rue neufue nostre dame a lenseigne de lescu de France [pr. by the widow of J. Trepperel and J. Jehannot]. [Colophon:] Nouuellement Imprime a Paris, [c. 1516].8°: A–E⁸ F⁴.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot, with the address and typographical material of the Trepperel workshop.
[View full record] 1360.a.6(2). 1516La refection spirituelle de lame deuote ... Compose par vng deuot religieux de laue maria.[Paris]: [Colophon:] Nouuellement imprimee a Paris Par la veufue feu Iehan trepperel et Iehan iehannot. Imprimeur & libraire iure, [c. 1516].8°: A–H⁸.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot.
[View full record] 1360.a.6(3). 1517Milet, Jacques, approximately 1425-1466.[Destruction de Troye.]Sensuyt la destruction de Troye la grant Par personnaiges.[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprimee a Paris par la veufue feu Iehan trepperel et iehan Iehannot libraire iure, [c. 1517].4°: A–C⁸/⁴/⁴ D–H⁸/⁴/⁴/⁴/⁴ I–M⁸/⁴/⁴/⁴ N–P⁸/⁴/⁴ Q–Z⁸/⁴/⁴/⁴ & aa–ii⁸/⁴/⁴/⁴/⁴ kk–nn⁸/⁴/⁴/⁴ oo⁸ pp⁴ qq⁶.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot.
[View full record] 86.b.12. 1517Saint-Gelais, Octavien de, 1468-1502.Sensuyt Le seiour Dhonneur Compose par ... Octouien de sainct gelaiz ...[Paris]: On les vend a Paris en la rue neufue nostre dame A lenseigne de lescu de France [address of the widow of J. Trepperel]. [Colophon:] Nouuellement imprime a Paris par la veufue feu iehan trepperel Et Iehan iehannot imprimeur et libraire iure, [c. 1517].4°: a–p⁴/⁴/⁸/⁴/⁴ q–s⁴ t⁸ v–z⁴ &⁸ A–B⁴.Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot.
[View full record] C.39.c.30.
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