Jean Jehannot

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Jean Jehannot
Printer in Paris, (1498-) 1517-1521

Imprimeur, libraire-juré (previously in partnership with the widow of Jean Trepperel).

Appointed one of the four grands libraires jurés on 30 January 1515 (1516 n.s.?).

The partnership with the widow of Jean Trepperel was still in being in August 1517 (Inventaire chronologique, 1517, no. 1524). Jehannot worked alone from 1517 until his death in late 1521.

His books are rarely dated and are usually signed only with his address. Two of the books listed here have quire numbers on the title page.

‘A lenseigne Sainct Jehan Baptiste en la rue Neufve Nostre Dame pres Saincte Geneviefve des Ardans’ (at the sign of John the Baptist in the rue Neufve Nostre Dame near the church of Ste Geneviève des Ardans).
Renouard, Répertoire, 218-9
BnF Data: Jean Jehannot
Renouard 474
Name Size Dates
T24 96 c. 1520
T16 116 c. 1520
T6 230 c. 1520
B10 81 c. 1520
Size Dates
7.0mm c. 1520
11.0 mm c. 1520
Size Dates
11 c. 1520
15 c. 1520
22 c. 1520
29 c. 1520
32 c. 1520
42 c. 1520

Vespucci, Amerigo, 1451-1512.
[Mundus novus. French.]
Sensuyt le Nouueau monde & nauigations: Faictes par Emeric de vespuce.
[Paris]: On les vend a Paris a lenseigne Sainct iehan baptiste ... Iehan iannot. [Colophon:] Imprime nouuellement a Paris par Iehan Ianot, [c. 1520?].
4°: A a–d⁴ e⁸ f–l⁴ m⁸ n–s⁴ t⁸.
Printed in Paris by Jean Jehannot (Janot) for himself.
[View full record]G.6698.
France. Chancellerie.
[Grant stille et prothocolle.]
Sensuit le grant stille et prothocolle de la chancellerie de France. Nouuellement corrige et additionne de plusieurs lettres de la Chancellerie, lesquelles deffailloyent es premieres impressions.
[Paris]: On les vend a Paris A lymaige sainct Iehan baptiste [address of J. Jehannot]. [Colophon:] Imprime [pr. by J. Jehannot] nouuellement a Paris, [c. 1520].
4°: a⁶ A–X AA–KK⁴.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Jean Jehannot for himself (imprint and device) and the widow of Jean Trepperel (device).
[View full record]C.54.b.26.
La Chesnaye, Nicole de, active 1487-1512.
[Nef de santé.]
Sensuit la nef de sante Auec le gouuernail du corps humain: & la condamnation des bancquetz.
[Paris]: Imprime nouuellement a Paris a lenseigne sainct Iehan Baptiste [address of J. Jehannot] [Colophon:] Imprime nouuellement a Paris A lenseigne sainct iehan Baptiste, [c. 1520].
4°: A⁸ B⁴ C–L⁸//⁴ M–R⁴ S⁶.
Printed in Paris by Jean Jehannot.
[View full record]1039.g.2.

© DJS, 12/06/2020