Widow of Jean Trepperel after the partnership with Jean Jehannot

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Widow of Jean Trepperel after the partnership with Jean Jehannot
Printer in Paris, c.1518-c.1525


The widow of Jean Trepperel (veuve Trepperel) continued the firm, working in partnership with her son-in-law Jean Jehannot from 17 September 1512 to c.1517 (see Widow of Jean Trepperel and Jean Jehannot). She then worked alone until c.1525 .

The partnership was prominent in the use of quire numbers.

For the typographical material, see the entry for Jean Trepperel.

Renouard, Répertoire, 414.
BnF Data: Veuve de Jean Trepperel
Renouard 1078

Le stabat mater dolorosa auec interueniant Translate en Francoys Selon le Latin.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] A paris en la rue sainct iacques [pr. by the widow of J. Trepperel?], [c. 1518].
8°: a⁸.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]C.107.k.2(8) (first and last leaves only)
France. Laws, statutes, etc.
[Salic Law.]
La loy salicque premiere loy des francoys faicte par le Roy pharamon.
[Paris]: [pr. by the widow of J. Trepperel], [c. 1518?].
8°: A–G⁸ H⁴.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]C.40.b.19.
[Histoire du noble chevalier Berinus.]
Sensuyt la description en forme de romant de lhistoire du noble cheualier Berinus.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprime a Paris par la veufue feu Iehan trepperel, [c. 1518].
4°: ãã⁶ A–P⁴////⁸ R–X⁴ Y–Z AA–HH⁴////⁸ II–MM⁴ NN⁶.
Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]C.71.h.4.
Martial, d’Auvergne, -1508.
Sensuyt les vigilles du Roy Charles ou est contenu comment il conquist France sur les anglois.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprime a paris par la veufue feu Iehan trepperel, [c. 1518?].
4°: A⁸ B⁴ C⁸ D–E⁴ F⁸ G⁴ H⁸ I–N⁴ O⁸ P–T⁴ V⁶.
Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]G.11291.
Sensuyt les proesses et vaillances du preux Et vaillant Hercules.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprime a paris par la veufue feu Iehan treperel, [c. 1518?].
4°: A⁴ B⁸ C–G⁴ H–N⁸/⁴ O–R⁴ S⁸.
Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]C.39.d.7.
Sensuit les croniques de France abregees Auec la generation de Adam ... auec les noms de tous les Roys de France.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprime a Paris par la veufue feu Iehan trepperel, [c. 1519].
4°: A⁸ B–E⁴ F⁸ G–M⁴.
Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]C.32.g.18.
Le liure des connoilles.
[Paris]: [pr. by the widow of J. Trepperel], [c. 1520].
8°: A–D⁸.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of the workshop of the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]C.194.a.161.
Himbres, Jean.
Le traicte des eaues artificielles. Auec les vertus et proprietez dicelles.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprime a Paris en la rue neufue nostre dame a lenseigne de lescu de France [address of the Trepperel shop], [c. 1520].
8°: A–E⁸.
Printed in Paris with the address and typographical material of the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]773.b.21(3).
Lozenne, le Marechal de.
Medecine pour les cheuaux et pour toutes bestes cheualines.
[Paris?]: [pr. by widow of J. Trepperel?], [c. 1520].
8°: A–B⁸.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]773.b.21(4).
La patience Griselidis: Marquise de Saluces.
[Paris]: Imprime nouuellement a Paris en la rue neufue nostre dame a lenseigne de lescu de France [pr. by the widow of J. Trepperel], [c. 1520].
4°: A⁶ B⁴.
Printed in Paris with the address and typographical material of the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]12470.b.20.
Les complaintes et epitaphes du Roy de la Basoche.
[Paris]: [pr. by widow of J. Trepperel], [c. 1520].
8°: A⁸ B⁴.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]C.39.a.58.
Le liure de Matheolus.
[Paris]: [pr. by the widow of J. Trepperel], [c. 1520].
4°: A–I⁸//⁴ K–O⁴.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]11475.ccc.29 (lacks O4 blank?)
Cy commence une petite instruction & maniere de viure pour vne femme seculiere.
[Paris]: [widow of J. Trepperel?], [c. 1520?].
8°: A–D⁸.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]C.175.b.36.
Alexis, Guillaume, -1486?
Le grant Blason des faulces amours. fait par frere guillaumes alexis.
[Paris]: En la rue neufue nostre dame a lenseigne de lescu de France [address of the widow of J. Trepperel], [c. 1520].
8°: A–C⁸ D⁴.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]241.b.40(1).
Le contreblason de faulces amours.
[Paris]: A Paris en la rue neufue nostre dame: A lenseigne de lescu de France [address of the widow of J. Trepperel], [c. 1520].
8°: A–C⁸ D⁴.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]241.b.40(2).
Les dictz des bestes & aussi des oyseaulx.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Nouuellement Imprime a Paris en la rue neufue nostre Dame a lescu de France [pr. by the widow of J. Trepperel], [c. 1520?].
8°: A–B⁸?.
Printed in Paris at the address of the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]C.30.23 (imperfect: A7 and B5)
Le dit des pays ioyeulx: Auec les conditions des femmes. Et plusieurs autres Ballades. Auec les dix commandemens ioyeulx.
[Paris]: [pr. by the widow of J. Trepperel], [c.1520].
8°: A⁴.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]C.22.a.25.
Epistre dung amant habandonne, enuoyee a sa Dame par maniere de reproche.
[Paris]: [pr. by the widow of J. Trepperel?], [c. 1520?].
8°: A⁸.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]C.22.a.16.
Le testament de taste vin roy Des Pions.
[Paris]: [pr. by the widow of J. Trepperel], [c. 1520].
8°: A⁴.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]C.22.a.27.
Villon, François, 1431-1463.
Le recueil des repues franches de maistre Francoys villon et ses compaignons.
[Paris]: [pr. by the widow of J. Trepperel], [c. 1520].
8°: A–C⁸.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]C.22.a.44.
France. Chancellerie.
[Grant stille et prothocolle.]
Sensuit le grant stille et prothocolle de la chancellerie de France. Nouuellement corrige et additionne de plusieurs lettres de la Chancellerie, lesquelles deffailloyent es premieres impressions.
[Paris]: On les vend a Paris A lymaige sainct Iehan baptiste [address of J. Jehannot]. [Colophon:] Imprime [pr. by J. Jehannot] nouuellement a Paris, [c. 1520].
4°: a⁶ A–X AA–KK⁴.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Jean Jehannot for himself (imprint and device) and the widow of Jean Trepperel (device).
[View full record]C.54.b.26.
France, Appendix. Miscellaneous.
Sensuyt le liure des trois filz de Roys: cestassauoir de France, dangleterre, & descosse.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprime a paris par le veufue feu Iehan trepperel, [c. 1520].
4°: A⁶ B⁴ C–F⁸/⁴ G⁴ H–N⁸/⁴ O⁴ P⁸ Q–X⁴ y–z AA–HH⁸////⁴.
Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]C.109.ff.8 (title page damaged)
Arnaldus, de Villanova, -1311.
Sensuit le Tresor des Poures qui parle des maladies qui peuent venir au corps humain ... selon maistre Arnoult de villenoue. Et maistre Girard de solo.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprime nouuellement a Paris Par la veufue feu iehan treperel, [c. 1520].
4°: a–p⁸////⁴ q–z⁸///⁴ &⁸ A–D⁴.
Printed in Paris by the widow of Jean Trepperel.
[View full record]1508/1683.

© DJS, 07/12/2020