Jean Marchant

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Jean Marchant
Printer in Paris, 1504–c.1514


Successor to his uncle, Guy Marchant, at the same address, with the same typographic material. In 1504 and 1505 there are books signed by each man, suggesting that there was a loose transitional partnership in these years as the business passed from uncle to nephew.

The last book with Jean Marchant’s name seems to be Inventaire chronologique 1511, no. 176. There is a small group of books from 1512 which have his device with the initials ‘I.M.’ The address in Bellouisu is found until at least 1517. The typographical material remains in use up to and beyond 1520.

It is assumed here that Jean Marchant’s active participation ceased in about 1513 or 1514, and that the material passed at that time to a successor press. By the early 1520s, some of this material is still traceable in the work of an anonymous press which Brigitte Moreau called the ‘Atelier des dauphins couronnés’ (Inventaire chronologique, t. 3, no. 415 and ‘Tables des imprimeurs’, p. 667).

In two books of 1511 the printing is shared with Thomas Kees. Marchant’s material is found in parts of two volumes of Duns Scotus’s Super sententias of c.1514 whose production was shared among a number of printers.

His output consists almost entirely of quartos in Latin until c.1511.

Frequently uses the ‘Parisius’ form of Paris.

Year dates often in arabic figures from 1507.

Press correctors
1510–1513 or 1514 Petrus Phoenix Lutrensis (Pierre Fénix of Lure, Haute-Saone), of the nearby College de Bourgogne, worked for Marchant as editor and press corrector. Books which he worked on sometimes have a woodcut (132 x 102 mm) showing a female figure in torn clothing standing in a boat and wearing on her head a bucket containing a flaming phoenix, with the moto in a scroll ‘Spes in B. Phoenicem sustinet’. Imprimeurs parisiens, I, no. 461 indexes him as ‘Peter Phoenix, Anglais’.
1507 Egidius de Maseriis (Gilles Masière?), author of verses praising the cheapness of Jean Petit’s books:

     Eiusdem de Impressionis libri tempore: emendique facilitate Ad iuuenes.
     Quem leo conseruat iuuenes argenteus auro
     Non emitur: modico sed datur aere liber
     In Bello visu pressus, cum martius annos
     Quingentos septem milleque fine daret.

(A poem by the same [i.e. Egidius de Maseriis] about the date of printing the book and the ease of selling it. You students do not need gold to buy this book which the silver lion has in stock, as it can be had for a small sum. It was printed at the house called Beau Regard [by Jean Marchant] when March had counted as many as 1507 years.)

1511            Joannes de Maseriis (Maceriensis, Jean Masière), ‘provisor’ of the Cistercian College at Paris.
1512 magister Johannes Sudoris Caletibescensis (Jean Le Sueur, of Caudebec in the diocese of Rouen), ‘bursarius theologus’ at the Collège de Navarre (from 1507, Farge, Biographical Register, p. 277).
Renouard, Répertoire, p. 294.
Claudin, Histoire, I, 380, 383, 405.
BnF Data: Jean Marchant
in Bellouisu, ‘en Beauregard’, rue Clopin, at the sign of Prêtre-Jean.
Renouard 708 1504–1510 708A (‘IM’ in gothic), 1512 708B (‘IM’ in roman).
Renouard 707 1513 (Prester John), first found 1499.
79R R16 1504–1513 ...
94R R8 1505–1511
110T T20 1505–1512 ...
112T T21 1513–1514 (?)
74Rot Rot85 1504
52Rot Rot94 1510–1513 ...
64Rot Rot81 1508–1513 ...
98B B7 1513
7 mm 1504–1513
11 mm 1507–1514
5 mm 1508–1513
17x15 1506/7–1513 ...
25x 1506–1512 ...
28x 1510–1512
14x 1510–1512
17x 1510–1513 ...
There are three octavos signed ‘$’–‘$ii’ or ‘$ij’ in unsigned books of 1512.
From 1513 a number of books are signed with fullstops: ‘$.i’–‘$.iiij’.

4 October 1504
Andrelini, Publio Fausto, 1462-1518.
[De obitu Caroli octaui deploratio.]
Publii Fausti Andrelini Foroliuiensis Regii poetae laureati De obitu Caroli octaui deploratio.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Parrhisiis impressum [pr. by J. Marchant]. anno .1504. Ludouico duodecimo regnante: Die .4. mensis octobris. Pro Iohanne petit. [1504].
4°: a–b⁶.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, with the typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]IA.40790(2) (lacks b6)
15 November 1504
Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan, -397.
[Officiorum liber.]
Diui Ambrosii mediolanensis episcopi officiorum Liber .
[Paris]: Impressa Parisiis in Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant], Anno .M.CCCCC.iiii. Die .xv. Nouembris pro Iohanne Petit [1504].
4°: a–q⁸/⁴.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, with the device, address and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]
December 1504
Clichtove, Josse, approximately 1470-1543.
Termini Iudoci.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum Parisii [sic] In Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant] Anno .M.ccccc.iiii. Mense decembris. Pro Iohanne Petit, [1504].
4°: a⁸ b⁴ c⁸ d⁶.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, with the address, device and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]1475.b.71.
3 May 1505
Beroaldo, Filippo, 1453-1505.
Declamatio lepidissima Ebriosi Scortatoris Aleatoris de vitiositate disceptantium: Condita a Philippo Beroaldo.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum Parisius In Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant] Anno quingentesimo quinto. Die .iii. Iulii. Pro Iohanne Petit, [1505].
4°: a–b⁶.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, with the address and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]12301.e.44(2).
10 June 1505
Gaguin, Robert, 1433-1501.
Ars versificatoria Roberti Gaguini .
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum Parisius in Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant] Anno .M.ccccc.v. Die .x. Mensis Iunii. Pro Iohanne Petit, [1505].
4°: a⁸ b–c⁶ d⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, with the address and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]1082.e.13(2).
20 June 1505
Beroaldo, Filippo, 1453-1505.
[Libellus Quo Septem sapientium Sententiae Discutiuntur.]
Philippi Beroaldi Libellus Quo Septem sapientium Sententiae Discutiuntur .
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum Parisius In Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant] Pro Iohanne Petit, M.ccccc.v. Die .xx. Iunii [1505].
4°: a⁸ b⁶.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, with the device, address and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]1073.l.57.
30 June 1505
Beroaldo, Filippo, 1453-1505.
Oratio Proverbiorum condita a Philippo Beroaldo Qua doctrina Remotior continentur .
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressa Parisius in Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant] M. Quingentesimo quinto .Die .xxx. Mensis Iunii. Pro Iohanne Petit, [1505].
4°: a⁸ b⁶ c⁴.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, with the address, device and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]1073.l.55.
14 July 1505
Beroaldo, Filippo, 1453-1505.
Symbola Pythagorae a Philippo Beroaldo moraliter explicata.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum Parisius in Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant] Pro Iohanne Petit, Anno M.ccccc.v. Die .xiiii. Mensis Iulii [1505].
4°: a–c⁶.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, with the address and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]1073.l.56.
21 November 1506
Statius, Publius Papinius.
Statius in achilleide .
[Paris]: Venundantur in vico diui Iacobi Sub leone argenteo [address of J. Petit]. [Colophon:] pro Iohanne Petit in bellouisu [address of J. Marchant] Impressum, Millesimo quingentesimo .vi. Mense nouembri Die .xxi. [1506].
4°: a⁸ b⁴ c⁸ d⁶.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, with the device, address ‘in bellouisu’ and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]IA.40490(13).
21 January 1506 [1507 n.s.]
Orosius, Paulus.
Pauli Orosii historiographi clarissimi opus prestantissimum.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum Parhisiis [sic] in Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant] pro Iohanne petit, Anno .M.cccccvi. die .xxi. mensis Ianuarii [1506 (1507 n.s.)].
4°: A⁸ B⁴ C⁶, a–s⁸/⁴ t⁶ v⁴ x⁶.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the address and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]802.g.1 (lacks x6 (blank); sig A misbound)
26 January 1506 [1507 n.s.]
Wireker, Nigellus, approximately 1130-approximately 1200.
Speculum stultorum.
[Paris]: Impressus parisius in Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant] Anno .1506. Die .26. Ianuarii. Pro Iohanne Petit, [1507 n.s.].
4°: a–h⁸/⁴ i⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, with the address and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]1471.aa.12.
31 March 1507
Bruni, Leonardo, 1370-1444.
[De bello Gothorum.]
Leonardi Aretini de bello Gotthorum: seu de Bello Italico aduersus Gotthos libri quattuor.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] pridie kalendas Apriles In Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant] Impressi, Anno Millesimo quingentesimo septimo Pour Iehan Petit [1507].
4°: a–h⁸/⁴.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the address and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]9040.c.1(1).
5 April 1507
Bede, the Venerable, Saint, 673-735.
[De temporibus.]
Venerabilis Bedae presbyteri de temporibus siue de sex aetatibus huius seculi.
[Paris]: Venditur in vico diui Iacobi Sub Leone Argenteo [address of J. Petit]. [Colophon:] Impressus Parisius in Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant] Anno .1507. Die .5. Aprilis. Pro Iohanne Petit. [1507].
4°: a–d⁸/⁴ e⁶.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the address and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]9004.g.19.
November 1507
Negri, Francesco, 1452-approximately 1523.
Grammatica Francisci Nigri.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum Parhisiis [sic] Pro Iohanne Petit [pr. by J. Marchant], [1507?].
4°: a–o⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, with the typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]1568/3215 (lacks o8)
Fliscus, Stephanus.
[Liber synonimorum] .
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum Parisii [sic] pro Iohanne Petit [pr. by J. Marchant], [1507].
4°: a-h⁸//⁴ i⁶ k⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, with the typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]C.107.d.15.
11 May 1508
Beroaldo, Filippo, 1453-1505.
[De optimo statu.]
Philippi Beroaldi libellus de optimo statu.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum Parrhisiis [pr. by J. Marchant] xi. die Maii Anno millesimo quingentesimo octauo. Pro Ioanne paruo, [1508].
4°: Aa⁸ Bb⁶.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]12301.e.39(2).
24 October 1508
[Bible. N.T. Gospels. Latin.]
Opus quattuor euangelistarum.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] exaratum parisius [pr. by J. Marchant] pro Iohanne Petit [and P. Baquelier?], Anno .1508. Die .24. mensis Octobris.
8°: a–p⁸ q⁴.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit (and Pierre Baquelier?) with the typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]C.51.aa.6(1).
26 October 1508
[Bible. N.T. Apocalypse. Latin.]
Apocalipsis idest Reuelatio Iesu christi.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] impressum est in inclyto Parisiorum gymnasio [pr. by J. Marchant] Pro Iohanne Petit [and P. Baquelier?], Anno Millesimo quingentesimo octauo. die .xxvi. mensis Octobris [1508].
8°: aa–bb⁸ cc⁴.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit (and Pierre Baquelier?) with the typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]C.51.aa.6(2).
9 January 1509
Baptista, Mantuanus, 1448-1516.
F. Baptistę Mantuani Bucolica seu Adolescentia in decem aeglogas diuisa. Ab Iodoco Badio Ascensio familiariter exposita.
[Paris]: Venundatur Parrhisiis in vico Sancti Iacobi Sub Leone Argenteo [Colophon:] Impressum Parisius In Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant] Anno .1508. Die .9. Ianuarii. Pro Iohanne Petit, [1509 n.s.].
4°: a–i⁸ k⁴ l⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the address and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]IA.42167(2) (incomplete: lacks all after k4)
15 January 1509
Beroaldo, Filippo, 1453-1505.
Phlilippi [sic] Beroaldi de foelicitate opusculum.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum Parisius In Bellouisu, Anno .1508. Die .15. Ianuarii. Pro Iohanne Petit [1508].
4°: A–B⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the address and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]12301.e.39(3).
12 September 1509
Ciruelo, Pedro, 1470-1560.
Tractatus Arithmetice Practice qui dicitur Algorismus.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressus Parisius In Bellouisu. [address of J. Marchant; for the brothers Marnef], Anno .1509. Die .12. Septembris.
4°: a⁸ b⁴.
Printed in Paris for the Marnef brothers with the address, device and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]
12 September 1509
Lactantius, approximately 240-approximately 320.
Lepida Lactantii Firmiani opera accurate graeco adiuncto castigata ...
[Paris]: Venundantur in vico Diui Iacobi Sub Leone Argenteo. [Colophon:] Pro Iohanne Petit In Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant] Impressi:, Anno .M.ccccc.ix. Die .xii. Mensis Septembris [1509].
4°: A⁶ B⁴ a–z A–N⁸/⁴ O⁶ P⁴.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the device and typographical material of Jean Marchant at his address ‘in Bellouisu’.
[View full record]C.38.f.11.
24 September 1509
Montserrat, Gulielmus de.
[Commentum super Pragmatica Sanctione.]
Guillelmi de monserrat in decretis licentiati perutile commentum super Pragmatica Sanctione.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impress. Parisius in Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant] Pro Iohanne Petit, Anno .1509. Die .24. Mensis Septembris.
8°: a–n⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the address and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]C.115.n.23(2) (lacks n8)
Precordiale deuotorum.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Parisius pro Iohanne Petit Impressum In Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant]. Anno millesimo quingentesimo nono [1509].
8°: a⁸ b–l⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, with the device, address and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]Cup.403.l.35.
Beroaldo, Filippo, 1453-1505.
Carmen lugubre philippi Beroaldi de dominicae passionis die. ... ab Ascensio dilucide explanata.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum parisius in bellouisu [address of J. Marchant] Pro Iohanne Petit, Anno .M.DIX. [1509].
4°: a⁸ b⁶.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, with the device, address ‘in Bellouisu’ and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]12301.e.39(8).
Beroaldo, Filippo, 1453-1505.
Ludicrorum & amatoriorum carminum perelegans codicellus a philippo ... Beroaldo.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum parisius in Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant] pro Iohanne Petit, [1509?].
4°: A⁸ B–C⁶.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, with the address ‘in Bellouisu’ and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]12301.e.39(9).
January 1510
Cicero, Marcus Tullius.
Commentarii questionum Tusculanarum editi a Philippo Beroaldo .
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum Parhisii [sic] in Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant] Pro Ioanne Petit, Anno .M.ccccc.ix. Mensis Ianuarii [1509 (1510 n.s.?)].
4°: a–z⁸/⁴ A–X⁴/⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, with the address, device and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]C.47.e.13 (Lacks all after sig. X⁴)
15 April 1510
Beroaldo, Filippo, 1453-1505.
[Declamatio philosophi medici et oratoris.]
Philippi Beroaldi Opusculum eruditum Quo continetur Declamatio Philosophi Medici & Oratoris De excellentia disceptantium.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressa [pr. by J. Marchant] in Bellouisu. Anno 1510. Die .15. Aprilis. Pro Iohanne Petit [1510].
4°: a⁶ B⁶ C⁴.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the address and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]12301.e.39(4).
31 July 1510
Terentianus, Maurus.
[De literis, syllabis et metris.]
Terentiani Mauri Venustissimus de literis syllabis et metris Horati liber.
[Paris]: Venundantur parisius apud Ioannem paruum [pr. by J. Marchant], [1510].
4°: a–q⁸/⁴ r–s⁶.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the device and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]C.124.dd.22.
18 September 1510
Orosius, Paulus.
Pauli Orosii historiographi clarissimi Opus prestantissimum .
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum Parisiis in Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant] pro Ioanne petit, Anno M.cccccx. Die .xviii. Mensis Septembris [1510].
4°: A⁸ B⁴ C⁶ a–s⁸/⁴ t⁶ v⁴ x⁶.
Printed in Paris by Jean Marchant for Jean Petit.
[View full record]9039.e.16(2).
[Nouem Musae.]
Herodoti Halicarnassei Thurii ... Nouem Muse a Laurentio Valla tralate.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Parisiis Impresse [pr. by J. Marchant] Pro Iohanne Paruo, Anno .1510.
4°: Aa¹⁰ A–B⁴ C–F⁸/⁴ a–z & A–M⁸/⁴.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the device and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]
Diogenes Laertius.
[De philosophorum vita.]
Diogenis laertii historiographi De philosophorum vita.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] non antea Parisiis Impressę Pro Ioanne Paruo [pr. by J. Marchant], [1510?].
4°: A⁸ a–y⁸/⁴ z⁶.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the device and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]9039.e.16(3).
27 August 1511
Epistolarum Horatii familiare commentum ab ipso Ascensio auctum & recognitum.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressa Parisius In Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant] Pro Iohanne Petit, Anno .M.CCCCC.XI. die .XXVII. Augusti [1511].
4°: a–n⁸/⁴.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the address and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]11386.b.26 (lacks n8)
Nonius Marcellus, active 4th century.
[Ad filium de verborum proprietate compendium.]
Que hoc libro continentur Nonii Marcelli peripathetici ad filium de verborum proprietate compendium; Sexti Festi Pompeii fragmenta; Marci Terentii Varronis de lingua latina ... De analogia.
[Paris]: Venundantur ab Egidio de Gourmont [Colophon:] Impressum Parisius in Bellouisu per Ioannem Marchant. Anno .1511.
2°: πA⁸ A⁶ b–o⁶; A–F⁶ G⁴.
Printed in Paris for Gilles de Gourmont, the printing probably shared by Jean Marchant and Thomas Kees.
[View full record]67.c.1(1) (Lacks πA8 (blank?); πA6 misbound)
Dionysius, de Mutina, approximately 1335-1400.
[Liber in quatuor sententiarum.]
Acutissimi et quam maxime succincti ... doctoris Dionysii cisterciensis Liber in quatuor sententiarum: nuper a fratre Iohanne maceriensis correctus et emendatus.
[Paris]: Venundantur parrhisius a Ponceto le preux [pr. by J. Marchant and T. Kees?], [1511].
2°: A⁸ a–o⁶ p⁸ q–s⁶; aa⁸ bb–ff⁶ gg⁸; ²aa–²bb⁸.
Printed in Paris for Poncet Le Preux, the printing shared by Jean Marchant and Thomas Kees.
[View full record]469.c.6 (Lacks ²bb8 (blank))
15 July 1512
FitzRalph, Richard, -1360.
Summa Domini Armacani in questionibus Armenorum nouiter impressa et correcta a magistro Iohanne sudoris.
[Paris]: Venales habentur in vico diui Iacobi sub lilio Aureo [pr. by J. Marchant; for J. Petit and P. Le Preux], 1512.
2°: A⁶ a–z con A–E⁶ F⁴.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit and Poncet Le Preux, with the typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]4373.k.1.
11 October 1512
Tartaret, Pierre, active 15th century.
[Questiones super octo libros ethicorum Aristotelis.]
Questiones Magistri Petri Tatereti Super octo libros ethicorum Aristotelis.
[Paris]: Venundantur parrhisius apud Iohannem Frellon. [Colophon:] Impresse Parisius pro Iohanne Frellon [pr. by J. Marchant]. Anno .[1512.] Die vero .xi. mensis Octobris.
8°: a–k⁸.
Printed in Paris by Jean Marchant for Jean Frellon.
[View full record]527.a.44 (Year date erased in colophon)
23 October 1512
Tartaret, Pierre, active 15th century.
Questiones morales Magistri petri Tatereti in octo capita distincte.
[Paris]: Venales habentur apud Iohannem frellon. [Colophon:] Impresse Parisius in Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant] Pro Iohanne Frellon. Anno 150.12. [sic] Die vero .xxiij. Mensis Octobris [1512].
8°: a⁸ b–h⁸ i⁴.
Printed in Paris for Jean Frellon, with the address and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]527.a.1.
Guarna, Andrea.
[Bellum grammaticale.]
Gramaticae [sic] opus nouum.
[Paris]: [pr. by Jean Marchant], [1512?].
4°: A⁴ B⁶ C⁴.
Printed in Paris with the device and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]1568/3773.
Macer, Aemilius, (i.e. Odo Magdunensis).
[De viribus herbarum.]
Herbarum vires macer tibi carmine dicet.
[Paris]: [pr. by J. Marchant], [c. 1512].
8°: a–u⁸.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Jean Marchant, as used in c. 1512.
[View full record]C.115.n.42(1).
Musaeus, Grammaticus.
Musaei antiquissimi poetae de Leandri & Herus amoribus.
[Paris]: Veneunt in aedibus Egidii Gourmontii e regione Collegii Cameracensis [pr. by J. Marchant?], [1512?].
4°: A⁸.
Printed in Paris for Gilles de Gourmont, with the typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]11335.c.28.
1 July 1513
Badius, Josse, 1462-1535.
[Stultifera navis.]
Nauis stultifere collectanea.
[Paris]: Venundantur Parisiis in vico sancti Iacobi sub pellicano [address of the Marnef brothers] & in aedibus ascensianis [pr. by J. Marchant]. [Colophon:] Die Prima Iulii. Anno .M.D.XIII. [1513].
4°: a–s⁸/⁶.
Printed in Paris by Jean Marchant for Josse Badius and the Marnef brothers.
[View full record]IA.37941(2) (lacks title page)
9 August 1513
Nicolaus de Aquaevilla.
Sermones dominicales moralissimi ... Iampridem a ... Ioanne Quintini visi & ordinati nuper vero a magistro Ludouico vassoris ... recogniti.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] nouiter impressi in Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant; for J. Petit], Anno Millesimo quingentesimo decimo tertio. Die Nona Augusti [1513].
8°: a–v⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, with the address and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]C.108.aa.1.
30 September 1513
Holkot, Robertus, -1349.
Nouum insigneque opusculum pro Christi verbum euangelizantibus moralizatum ... fratris Roberti Olchot ... vna cum tabula aurea Thome aquinatis.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Exaractum [sic] fuit parisius In bello visu [address of J. Marchant; for J. Petit], Anno millesimo quingentesimo decimo tertio die vero .xxx. mensis septembris [1513].
8°: a–i⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, with the address and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]T.480(4) (lacks i8)
Bolzanio, Urbano, approximately 1443-1524.
Institutiones graecae grammatices.
[Paris]: Veneunt in aedibus Aegidii Gourmontii e regione collegii Cameracensis [pr. by J. Marchant?], [c.1513?].
4°: a⁴ b–r⁴/⁸ s⁴ t–z A–G⁴/⁸ H⁶.
Printed in Paris for Gilles de Gourmont, with the typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]G.7485.
10 March 1514
Martinus, Polonus, -1279.
Margarita decreti seu Tabula Martiniana Decreti.
[Paris]: Impressum Parrhisiis in Bellouisu [address of J. Marchant; for P. Gaudoul?]. Anno milesimo [sic] quingentesimo decimotertio. die vero .x. mensis Martij [1513 (1514 n.s.?)].
8°: a–e⁸ f⁴ g–z ʔ A–D⁸ E⁴.
Printed in Paris for Pierre Gaudoul, with the address and typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]C.67.a.1 (Andri Boule binding)
[Nuptialia praecepta. Latin.]
Γαμικ παραγγελματα Nuptialia praecepta siue coniugalia. Plutarchus.
[Paris?]: [pr. by J. Marchant? for G. de Gourmont?], [c. 1514?].
4°: [...] a⁴ b⁶.
Printed in Paris for Gilles de Gourmont, probably printed with the typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]1608/638(3) (lacks prelims)
Corrunus, Joannes.
Ioannis Corrunni Carnutensis Enarrationes non illepide in Fra. Baptiste Mant. ... exhortationem ad potentatus Christianos.
[Paris]: [pr. by J. Marchant?] Veneunt in edibus Francisci regnault necnon Egidii gourmontii, [c. 1514?].
2°: a⁴ b–f⁶.
Printed in Paris for François Regnault and Gilles de Gourmont, with the typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]837.k.3 (lacks f6)
Lemaire de Belges, Jean, 1473-1524?
La legende des Venitiens.
[Paris?]: [pr. by Jean Marchant?], [c. 1514?].
4°: aa–cc⁴ dd⁶.
Printed for Geoffroy de Marnef, with the typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]G.10249(5).
Duns Scotus, John, approximately 1266-1308.
[Liber primus super Sententias.]
Primus liber doctoris Subtilis fratris Ioannis Duns Scoti ... super sententias.
[Paris]: Venundantur parrhisiis a Iohanne GranIon [pr. J. Marchant, N. Des Prez, J. Barbier, and Jean Seurre], [1514].
2°: a–x⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean Granjon, the printing shared by Jean Marchant, Nicolas Des Prez, Jean Barbier and Jean Seurre.
[View full record]C.81.d.11(1).
Duns Scotus, John, approximately 1266-1308.
[Liber quartus super Sententias.]
Liber quartus doctoris Subtilis fratris Ioannis Duns Scoti ... super sententias.
[Paris]: Venundantur Parrhisiis a Iohanne Granion [pr. by J. Marchant and J. Barbier], [1514].
2°: aaaa–zzzz &&&& ʔ ꝝ AAAA⁸ BBBB⁴ CCCC⁸ DDDD– EEEE⁶.
Printed in Paris for Jean Granjon, the printing shared by Jean Marchant and Jean Barbier.
[View full record]C.81.d.11(5).
20 March 1515
Sulpitius Verulanus, Joannes, active 15th century.
Quinta recognitio atque additio ad grammaticen sulpitianam cum textu Ascensiano illustrato.
[Paris]: Venundantur Parhisius in vico sancti Iacobi sub intersignio diui Claudii [address of F. Regnault]. [Colophon:] Impressum parisius [pr. by J. Marchant]. anno Millesimo quingentesimo .xiiii. xx. Martii [1514 (1515 n.s.)].
4°: a⁴ A–I⁸ k⁴ l⁸ M⁴, AA–DD⁸ EE⁴ FF–GG⁸ HH–II⁶ ℞⁶ ²A⁶.
Printed in Paris for François Regnault with the typographical material of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]625.c.9 (sigs II and -Rum misbound)
Successors of Jean Marchant
6 August 1515
Badius, Josse, 1462-1535.
Nauis stultifere collectanea ab Iodoco Badio Ascensio vario carminum genere non sine eorundem familiari explanatione conflata.
[Paris]: Venundantur parisiis in vico Sancti Iacobi sub signo Pellicani [address of the brothers Marnef, pr. by the successors of J. Marchant], [1515].
4°: a–s⁸/⁴.
Printed in Paris for the Marnef brothers, with the material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]11409.c.26.
15 November 1515
Mancinelli, Antonio, 1452-approximately 1505.
Opera Antonii Mancinelli veliterni ...
[Paris]: Venundantur Parrhisiis a Iohanne paruo. [Colophon:] Impressa Parrhisius in expensis Ioannis Petit. [pr. by the successors of J. Marchant], Die vero .xv. mensis Nouembris. Anno .M.CCCCC.XV. [1515].
4°: a–z A–S⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, with the material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]1334.f.1.
Festus, Sextus Pompeius, active 2nd century.
[Paris]: [pr. by successors of J. Marchant], [c. 1515?].
2°: A–F⁶ G⁴.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]67.c.1(2).
Maffei, Raffaele, 1451-1522.
R. Volaterranus de grammatica in qua continentur Hesiodi & aliorum Theogonia.
[Paris]: Pasquier Lambert. Venundantur Parisius in clauso Brunelli ad intersignium diui Claudij [pr. by the successors of J. Marchant?], [1515].
4°: a–d⁸/⁴ e⁴ f⁶.
Printed in Paris for Pasquier Lambert, probably printed with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]
Souuerain remede contre lepidimie Bosse ou mauluais aer.
[Paris?]: [pr. by the successors of J. Marchant?] for E. J. and G. de Marnef, [c. 1515].
8°: a⁴.
Probably printed in Paris for the Marnef brothers, possibly with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]C.31.b.34(2).
Peckham, John, -1292.
[Perspectiva communis.]
Io. Archiepiscopi Cantuariensis Perspectiua communis.
[Paris?]: [pr. by successors of J. Marchant?], [c. 1515?].
2°: a–c⁴ d⁶.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material associated with the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]C.123.g.22.
Llull, Ramon, 1232?-1316.
Articuli fidei sacrosancte ac salutifere legis Christiane ... Quos ... Magister Raymundus Lull ... probat.
[Paris]: [pr. successors of Jean Marchant], [c. 1515].
4°: A–D⁴/⁸ E⁸.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]3837.b.35.
Holkot, Robertus, -1349.
In prouerbia Salomonis Roberti Holcoti seu Thome Gualesii ... Explanationes.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum est parisius [pr. by the successors of J. Marchant] Anno. 1515r. [sic] expensis Francisci Regnault, [1515].
4°: Aa a–z A–E⁸.
Printed in Paris for François Regnault, with the materials of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]1608/6027.
21 March 1516
Gesta romanorum cum applicationibus moralisatis ac misticis.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Ex parisius [pr. by successors of J. Marchant?, for J. Petit], Anno .M.ccccc. decimo quinto die .xxi. mensis martij [1516 (1516 n.s.?)].
8°: A–X⁸ y⁴ (y4 blank).
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant for Jean Petit.
[View full record]12430.a.24.
23 March 1516
Bersuire, Pierre, approximately 1290-1362.
Metamorphosis Ouidiana Moraliter a Magistro Thoma vvaleys explanata.
[Paris]: Venundantur in edibus Francisci Regnault. [Colophon:] Impressum in edibus Francisci Regnault [pr. by the successors of J. Marchant]. Anno Milesimo quingentesimo decimo quinto. die. vero .xxiii. mensis Martij [1515 (1516 n.s.?)].
8°: A⁸ B⁶ a–m⁸ n⁶.
Printed in Paris for François Regnault, with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]1001.d.21.
2 May 1516
Antoninus, Saint, Archbishop of Florence, 1389-1459.
Confessionale anthonini .
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressa parisius in bellouisu [address of the successors of J. Marchant]. Anno millesimo. quingentesimo .xvj. Die vero .ij. mensis Maij [1516].
8°: a–t⁸ (t7,8 blank).
Printed in Paris with the address and typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]845.a.19(1).
5 July 1516
Nebrija, Antonio de, 1444?-1522.
[Vocabularius. Latin & French.]
Vocabularius Nebrissensis. ... ex hispaniense in gallicum traductum ...
[Paris]: Venduntur Parrhisijs vici diui Iacobi [sic] sub intersignio hominis siluestri. [Colophon:] Impressus Parisij [pr. by the successor of J. Marchant, for R. Chaudière], anno millesimo quingentesimo Die vero quinta Iulij. decimo sexto [sic] [1516].
4°: <pi>¹ a–z & A–B⁸ C⁶.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant for Regnault Chaudière.
[View full record]625.f.3.
1 October 1516
P. terentii Comedie per Paulum Malleolum recognite ... & per Iodocum Ascensium diligentius coimpressae.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impemsis [sic] Egidij Gourmond Parrhisiis [pr. by the successors of J. Marchant?], emendatissime impressa rursus ad Calendas Octobris .M.D.XVI. [1516].
8°: A⁸ b–x⁸.
Printed in Paris for Gilles de Gourmont, with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]11707.b.25 (Made-up copy? Sigs q–x are rubricated, sigs A–p are not)
Diogenes Laertius.
Diogenis Laertij historiographi De philosophorum vita decem.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] fuerant Parisiis impressarum [sic] [pr. by the successors of J. Marchant?, for J. Petit], [1516?].
4°: πA⁸ A–X⁸/⁴ y–z⁴.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, Pierre Gaudoul and the Marnef brothers, with typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]
Du Rivail, Aymar, approximately 1490-1557.
[De historia juris civilis et pontifici.]
Aymari Rivallii Allobrogis iuris consulti ac oratoris libri de historia iuris ciuilis et pontifici.
[Paris]: Venundantur Parrhisijs in biblioteca Reginaldi Chaudiere [pr. by the successors of J. Marchant], [1516?].
8°: a–o⁸ p⁴ (p4 blank).
Printed in Paris for Regnault Chaudière with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]882.a.1.
27 March 1517
[Bible. N.T. Acts. Latin.]
Actus apostolorum.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Parrhisius quidem exaratus [pr. by the successors of J. Marchant] pro Iohanne paruo. Anno .m.ccccc.xvi. [1516 (1517 n.s.?)].
8°: A–D⁸ E⁴.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant for Jean Petit.
[View full record]1016.d.1(5).
4 August 1517
Orosius, Paulus.
pauli orosii historiographi clarissimi opus prestantissimum.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum Parhisiis [pr. by the successors of J. Marchant], Anno .M.d.xvij. die .viij. mensis Augusti [1517].
4°: a–b⁸ ²a–q⁸/⁴ r⁸ s⁶.
Printed in Paris for Bernard Aubry, Nicolas Crespin, Jacques Ferrebouc, Pierre Gaudoul and Pasquier Lambert, with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]9039.c.11.
24 August 1517
Mela, Pomponius.
Pomponii Mele scriptoris Luculentissimi ... Cosmographia.
[Paris]: Venalem Apud Pascasium Lambert reperies [Colophon:] impressus sumptibus pascasij Lamberti [pr. by he successors of J. Marchant]. Anno Millesimo quingentesimo decimo septimo. die vero xxiiij. mensis Augusti [1517].
4°: A-D⁸/⁴ E⁴ F⁸ G⁴.
Printed in Paris for Pasquier Lambert, Pierre Gaudoul and Bernard Aubry, with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]10004.f.8.
31 August 1517
Hyginus, Caius Julius.
[Poeticon astronomicon.]
Higinii ... libri quattuor non solum poeticas & hystoricas verum et astronomicas permultas veritates acriori collectas lima.
[Paris]: Veneunt a pascasio lambert [pr. by the successors of J. Marchant], [1517].
4°: A–K⁴.
Printed in Paris for Pasquier Lambert, with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]1395.g.28.
13 June 1518
Dati, Agostino, 1420-1478.
Augustini dathi senen. Libellus de elegantia.
[Paris?]: [pr. by the successors of J. Marchant], [13 June 1518].
4°: A–B⁸ C⁶ a–i⁸ K⁸ Aa⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]
26 June 1518
Maillard, Olivier, approximately 1430-1502.
Sermones quadragesimales.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impensis Iohannis petit. Parisiensis Librarij iurati [pr. by the successors of J. Marchant?]. Finis adest Die xxvj. Iunij. Anno Millesimo Quingentesimo decimo octauo [1518].
8°: a–p⁸ q⁴.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, possibly with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]846.i.15(2) (sigs h–q only)
31 December 1518
Gellius, Aulus.
[Noctes Atticae.]
Auli Gellij noctium atticarum libri vndeuiginti.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] excussum [pr. by the successors of J. Marchant], anno .M.DXVIII. pridie calen. Ianuarias [1518].
4°: ã⁸ a–z & A–D⁸/⁴.
Printed in Paris for Bernard Aubry and Jean Granjon with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]1089.k.1(1).
1091.h.13 (lacks a8 and D4 (blanks))
[De peccatis capitalibus.]
Aureum de peccatis capitalibus & eorum speciebus opusculum.
[Paris]: [pr. by the successors of J. Marchant, for] Pierre Goudoult, [c.1518?].
8°: A–C⁸ D⁴.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant for Pierre Gaudoul.
[View full record]1016.d.1(4).
31 October 1520
Péronne, Claude.
[Compendium philosophiae naturalis.]
Compendium Phi[losophi]ę naturalis. De Elementis & omnium rerum naturalium principijs, a Magistro Claudio Peronneo ... ęditum.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Exactum est apud Luthesiam in nostro literarum emporio Italorum [pr. by the successors of J. Marchant?]. Anno .M.ccccc. supra vigesimum pridie Kal. Nouembris sumptibus Damiani hichman, [1520].
4°: a–s⁴ A⁴ B⁶ [s4 blank?].
Printed in Paris for Damien Higman, probably printed with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]536.h.28(2) (lacks s4, blank?)
Gerson, Jean, 1363-1429.
Regule morales Iohannis de Gersonno.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressus Parisii [pr. by the successors of J. Marchant] anno M.ccccc.xx. Pro petro gaudoul, [1520].
8°: A–D⁸ E⁴.
Printed in Paris for Pierre Gaudoul, with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]4406.df.20.
Leto, Giulio Pomponio, 1428-1497.
Pomponii Leti viri clarissimi Opuscula.
[Paris]: [pr. by the successors of J. Marchant for B. Aubry, P. Gaudoul and N. de La Barre], [c. 1520].
4°: a–e⁸/⁴.
Printed in Paris for Bernard Aubry, Pierre Gaudoul and Nicolas de La Barre with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]12354.i.38.
Baptista, Mantuanus, 1448-1516.
F. Baptiste Mantuani Buccolica seu Adolescentia ... Ab Iodoco Badio Ascensio familiariter exposita. & a Theodorico Morello ... emaculata.
[Paris]: [pr. by the successors of J. Marchant, for B. Aubry and P. Gaudoul], [c. 1520].
4°: a⁸ b⁶ d–l⁸/⁴ m–n⁸.
Printed in Paris for Bernard Aubry and Pierre Gaudoul, with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]11405.e.35 (lacks a3,4,5,8 and b1)
Torrentinus, Hermannus, 1450-1520.
Elucidarius carminum et historiarum seu Vocabularius poeticus. Appendix Nicolai Bonespei.
[Paris]: Venundantur Parrhisiis a Petro goudoul [pr. by the successors of J. Marchant], [1520?].
4°: a–m⁸/⁴.
Printed in Paris for Pierre Gaudoul, with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
[View full record]833.e.30.

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