Jacques Ferrebouc

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Jacques Ferrebouc
Printer in Paris, 1507-1530


Worked mainly in partnership with Jean Bienayse.

‘Sur petit-pont a lenseigne du Croissant dore, devant lhostel Dieu’. (On the Petit Pont, at the sign of the Golden Crescent, in front of the Hotel-Dieu.)
Renouard, Répertoire, 150.
BnF Data: Jacques Ferrebouc
None recorded before 1530.

10 February 1510
[Liturgies. Rituals. York.]
Ad laudem Dei et honorem tuam ... ecce manuale quoddam secundum vsum matris ecclesie Eboracensis.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum per Wynandum de Worde [London; pr. by J. Seurre in Paris] (pro Iohanne gaschet [York] et Iacobo ferrebouc) Finit Anno millesimo quingentesimo nono quarto ydus Februarii, 1509 [1510 n.s.?].
4°: a–n⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jacques Ferrebouc, for Wynkyn de Worde in London and for John Gachet in York, printed with the typographical material of Jean Seurre.
[View full record]C.35.h.19 (lacks d1–6, m2, n1,2.7,8)
26 April 1511
[Liturgies. Missals. Salisbury.]
Missale ad consuetudinem insignis ecclesie Sarum.
[Paris]: Venundantur in edibus wynandi de worde: aut Richardi Facques Londoñ. [Colophon:] Absolutum in Parhisiorum academia: Anno Millesimo quingentesimo vndecimo vj. kl. maij. Impensis atque sumptibus wynandi de worde: Richardi facques: Iohannis bienayse & Iacobi ferrebouc diligentia Radulphi sutoris, 1511.
2°: a–m⁸ n–o¹⁰ A–G <A>–<E>⁸ <F>⁶.
Printed in Paris by Raoul Cousturier for Jean Bienayse and Jacques Ferrebouc and for Wynkyn de Worde and Richard Faques in London.
[View full record]C.109.k.16 (lacks o5.6)

© DJS, 08/09/2020