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Textura T27, measuring 90 mm for 20 lines
Dates of use: 1499–1511; 1512–1516
x-height: 2.7 mm.
capitals height: 3.7 mm.
Used in Paris by Pierre Le Dru and then by Kaspar Hochfeder in Metz.
References: BMC, Le Dru.
Printers using typeface T27
Books with typeface T27
- Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, Traité du bien de la mort. 1512. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for François Regnault.
- Annius, Joannes, De futuris christianorum triumphis in saracenos. 1505?. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru
- Auerbach, Johannes, Processus iudicarius Panormitani. 1501 (1502 n.s.) 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Jean Petit.
- Bernard, of Clairvaux, Ad sororem modus bene viuendi. 1507 (1508 n.s.) 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Denis Roce.
- Bernard, of Clairvaux, De consideratione. 1501?. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Denis Roce.
- Bernardus, de Bessa, Speculum disciplinae ad novitios. 1501. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Jean Petit.
- Beroaldo, Filippo, Carmen lugubre. 1509?. 4°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Denis Roce.
- Bible. O.T. Psalms. Latin and German. 1513. 4°. Metz: Kaspar Hochfeder
- Bonaventure, Saint, Cardinal, Meditationes vitae Christi. 1505?. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Geoffroy de Marnef.
- Bonaventure, Saint, De modo se preparandi ad celebrandum missam. 1505?. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for the Marnef brothers.
- Bricot, Thomas, Logicales questiones. 1504. 4°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Denis Roce.
- Brocardica iuris. 1502?. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Jean Petit.
- Buridan, Jean, Questiones super octo physicorum libros Aristotelis. 1509. 2°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Denis Roce.
- Chevalier aux dames. 1516. 8°. Metz: Kaspar Hochfeder
- Council of Constance. Acta. 1506. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Jean Petit.
- Cyril, Apostle of the Slavs, Speculum sapientie. 1502?. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Durand Gerlier.
- Cyril, Apostle of the Slavs, Speculum sapientie. 1503?. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Jean Petit.
- David, von Augsburg, De profectu religiosorum. 1501?. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Denis Roce.
- De imitatione christi. 1507. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Jean Petit.
- Exposition sur le sermon en la montagne. 1510?. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for François Regnault.
- Flores legum. 1502. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for the Marnef brothers.
- Greiffenklau, Richard von, Reliquiae plurimorum sanctorum et sanctarum. 1512. 4°. Metz: Kaspar Hochfeder
- Gringore, Pierre, Abuz du monde. 1509. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Pierre Gringore.
- Gringore, Pierre, Folles entreprises. 1507 (1508 n.s.) 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for the Marnef brothers.
- Isidore, of Seville, De summo bono. 1502 (1503 n.s.) 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Jean Petit.
- Isidore, of Seville, De summo bono. 1511?. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Jean Petit.
- Johannes, de Lapide, Resolutorium dubiorum. 1508. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Denis Roce.
- Lauret, Bernard, Casus in quibus iudex secularis potest manus in personas clericorum imponere. 1511. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Jean Petit.
- Le Roy, François, Liure de la femme forte et vertueuse. 1508?. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Jean Frellon and Romain Loriot.
- Liturgies. Hours. Salisbury. 1506. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Antoine Verard.
- Macer, Aemilius, De viribus herbarum. 1512. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru
- Mystere du Vieil Testament. 1508. 2°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Antoine Verard.
- Nicholas, of Lyra, Preceptorium. 1508?. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Jean Petit.
- Nicholas, of Lyra, Preceptorium. 1510?. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Jean Petit.
- Pontanus, Petrus, Dicteria. 1510?. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Denis Roce.
- Remigius, the Grammarian, Regulae partium grammaticae artis. 1508?. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Raoul Laliseau.
- Rolevinck, Werner, De valore missarum. 1506?. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Denis Roce.
- Scot, Michael, Phisionomia. 1510?. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Jean Petit.
- Stella clericorum. 1505?. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru
- Thomas, à Kempis, Hortulus rosarum. 1509?. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Jean Petit.
- Vespucci, Amerigo, Mundus novus. 1509?. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Denis Roce.
- Watton, Johannes, Speculum christianorum. 1502. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Jean Petit.
- William, of Auvergne, De collationibus et pluralitate ecclesiastiorum beneficiorum. 1505. 8°. Paris: Pierre Le Dru, for Geoffroy de Marnef.