Pierre Le Dru

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Pierre Le Dru
Printer in Paris, (1488–) 1494–1511/1512 (1515)

Imprimeur, libraire-juré (apparently in succession to Etienne Jehannot).

Renouard dates the start of Le Dru’s career to 1488 but his earliest dated book was produced in 1494 (BMC). His career appears to end in 1511, with one further book recorded for 1515 (Inventaire Chronologique, 1515, no. 1029). He was associated with Etienne Jehannot in the fifteenth century and inherited material from him, especially Jehannot’s device (Renouard 488). Regularly described himself as ‘magister Petrus Le Dru’. His output is almost entirely in octavo format, mainly printed in Latin.

Undated incunables: a number of undated editions have been assigned to the early sixteenth century.
IA.40743, Praecordiale devotorum: date confirmed as [c.1500?].

Renouard records two addresses, apparently used concurrently:
1488–1505: Supra carnificinam vici sancti Iacobi (rue St-Jacques, near the Boucheries-St-Benoît).
1496–1509: In intersignio cornu prope Mathurinos or in vico Maturinorum (rue des Mathurins, at the sign of the cornet).
Renouard, Répertoire, 255–56.
Claudin, ii, 57ff.
BMC viii, 188–193.
BnF Data: Pierre Le Dru (imprimeur-libraire, 14..-15..)
Renouard 488 (former device of Etienne Jehannot)
Name Size Dates Notes
T27 95T 1499-1511 BMC 95G
T5 225T 1509-1511 lowercase only?
Rot69 62Rot 1510-1511 in undated books at BL, verified elsewhere
Rot69 65Rot 1499-1509 BMC 64G2
Rot3 190Rot 1502-1511
B11 83B 1494-1511 BMC 84B
Size Dates
5.0 1494-1511
9.0 1494-1511
10.0 1494-1511

uses only lombards before c. 1508, then uses initials sparingly.

Size Dates
16x 1510-1511
19x17 1508-1509
22x 1508-1511
Le Dru had a characteristic of undersigning octavos (‘$’ only or ‘$i’–‘$ii’).

11 January 1501
Bernardus, de Bessa.
[Speculum disciplinae ad novitios.]
Speculum discipline sancti Bonauentura ad nouicios.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] per magistrum Petrum le dru Parisius impressum [for J. Petit]. Anno millesimo quingentesimo primo. die vero mensis ianuarii vndecima [1501].
8°: a–h⁸.
Printed in Paris by Pierre Le Dru for Jean Petit.
[View full record]1361.a.55.
Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 91-1153.
[De consideratione.]
Bernardus ad Eugenium papam.
[Paris]: [pr. by P. Le Dru, for D. Roce], [1501?].
8°: a–g⁸h⁴.
Printed in Paris for Denis Roce with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]IA.40921.
David, von Augsburg, -1271.
[De profectu religiosorum.]
Tractatus de profecto religiosorum a beato Bonauentura compositus.
[Paris]: [pr. by P. Le Dru, for D. Roce (device)], [1501?].
8°: a⁴ b–q⁸.
Printed in Paris for Denis Roce with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]IA.40925.
9 March 1501 [1502 n.s.?]
Auerbach, Johannes, active 15th century.
Processus iudicarius Panormitani nouiter correctus et emendatus.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressus parisius per Petrum Le dru [for J. Petit], Anno millesimo quingentesimo primo. Die .ix. mensis Martii [1501 (1502 n.s.?)].
8°: a–o⁸.
Printed in Paris by Pierre Le Dru for Jean Petit.
[View full record]C.65.c.23(2).
29 April 1502
Watton, Johannes.
Speculum christianorum multa bona continens.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum parisius per Magistrum petrum Le dru [for J. Petit], Anno M° ccccc° ii° penultima mensis aprilis [1502].
8°: a–g⁸.
Printed in Paris by Pierre Le Dru for Jean Petit.
[View full record]C.111.aa.1.
4 July 1502
Auctoritates aristotelis, Senece, Boetii, Platonis, Apulei Affricani, Empedoclis, Porphirii, et Gilberti porritani.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum Parisius per Petrum Le dru [for J. Petit (device)]. Anno millesimo quingentesimo secundo. Die vero .iiii. mensis Iulii [1502].
8°: a b–h⁸ i⁴.
Printed in Paris by Pierre Le Dru for Jean Petit.
[View full record]518.a.50.
Cyril, Saint, Apostle of the Slavs, approximately 827-869.
Speculum sapientie Beati Cirilli ... alias quadripartitus apologieticus [sic] vocatus.
[Paris]: [pr. by P. Le Dru, for D. Gerlier (device)], [c. 1502].
8°: a–i⁸.
Printed in Paris for Durand Gerlier and Jean Petit with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]IA.40856.
Flores legum.
[Paris]: [pr. by P. Le Dru, for the brothers de Marnef], [1502].
8°: a–g⁸ h⁴.
Printed in Paris for the Marnef brothers with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]IA.40557(1).
[Brocardica iuris.]
Brocartica iuris.
[Paris]: [pr. by P. Le Dru, for J. Petit], [1502?].
8°: a–e⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]IA.40557(2).
18 February 1502 [1503 n.s.]
Isidore, of Seville, Saint, -636.
[De summo bono.]
Isidorus de summo bono.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressus parisii per Petrum le Dru, pro Iohanne petit. Anno Millesimo quingentesimo secundo. die vero xviii. mensis Februarii [1502 (1503 n.s.)].
8°: a–m⁸.
Printed in Paris by Pierre Le Dru for Jean Petit.
[View full record]3833.a.16.
Cyril, Saint, Apostle of the Slavs, approximately 827-869.
Speculum sapientie Beati Cirilli ... alias quadripartitus apologieticus [sic] vocatus.
[Paris]: [pr. by P. Le Dru, for J. Petit (device)], [c.1503].
8°: a–i⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]IA.40929.
[Liturgies. Hours. Salisbury.]
[Title page missing] .
[Paris]: [pr. by P. Le Dru?, for J. Poytevin?], [c. 1503?].
8°: a⁸ πb⁴ b–k⁸ l⁴.
Printed in Paris for Jean Poytevin, probably printed with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]IA.40939 (lacks a1)
11 September 1504
Bricot, Thomas, -1516.
[Logicales questiones.]
Incipiunt logicales questiones subtiles ac ingeniose super duobus libris posteriorum Aristotelis.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressarum parisius per magistrum Petrum le Dru pro Dyonisio Roce. Anno millesimo quingentesimo quarto. Die vero vndecima Mensis septembris [1504].
4°: a–g⁸ h⁴.
Printed in Paris by Pierre Le Dru for Denis Roce.
[View full record]1134.g.36(3).
23 May 1505
William, of Auvergne, Bishop of Paris, 1180-1249.
[De collationibus et pluralitate ecclesiastiorum beneficiorum.]
Guillermus ep[isco]pus parisiensis de collationibus et pluralitate ecclesiasticorum beneficiorum.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressus parisius impensis Gaufridi de marnef [pr. by P. Le Dru]. Anno Millesimo quinquagesimo quinto. Die vero .xxiii. Mensis Maii [1505].
8°: a b–c⁸ d⁴.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru for Geoffroy de Marnef.
[View full record]RB.23.a.132.
[Stella clericorum.]
[Tractatus de stella clericorum] .
[Paris?]: [pr. by P. Le Dru?], [c.1505].
8°: a–b⁸ (b8 blank?).
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru, c. 1505.
[View full record]38833.a.21 (lacks a1 and b8)
Annius, Joannes, Viterbiensis.
[De futuris christianorum triumphis in saracenos.]
Tractatus de futuris christianorum triumphis in saracenos Magistri Iohannis viterbiensis.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressa Parisius [pr. by P. Le Dru], [1505?].
8°: a b–g⁸ (g8 blank).
Printed with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]IA.40854.
Bonaventure, Saint, Cardinal, approximately 1217-1274.
[De modo se preparandi ad celebrandum missam.]
Tractatus breuis domini bonauenture de modo se preparandi ad celebrandum missam.
[Paris]: [pr. by P. Le Dru, for the Marnef brothers], [c. 1505].
8°: a⁸ b⁴.
Printed in Paris for the Marnef brothers with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]C.107.aa.1.
Bonaventure, Saint, Cardinal, approximately 1217-1274.
[Meditationes vitae Christi.]
Vita xpi secundum Bonaventuram.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressus parisius pro Gaufrido de marnef [pr. by P. Le Dru], [c. 1505].
8°: a–m⁸.
Printed in Paris for Geoffroy de Marnef with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]IA.40872.
19 April 1506
[Liturgies. Hours. Salisbury.]
Hore diue Virginis Marie secundum vsum insignis ecclesie Sarum.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impresse Parisius pro Anthonio verard [pr. by P. Le Dru]. Anno millesimo quingentesimo sexto .xviiii. Aprilis [1506].
8°: a b–o⁸.
Printed in Paris for Antoine Verard with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]C.41.a.19 (on vellum; lacks b4 and bottom of title page)
12 May 1506
Council of Constance. (1414-1418 : Konstanz, Germany).
Acta scitu dignissima docteque concinnata constantiensi consilii celebratissimi.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressa in preclarissima parisiorum vrbe pro Iohannem cum cognomento le petit [pr. by P. Le Dru]. Anno millesimo quingentesimo sexto die vero .xii. mensis maii [1506].
8°: a b–x⁸ y⁴.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]1366.b.8.
Rolevinck, Werner, 1425-1502.
De valore missarum.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressus Parisius per petrum le dru. pro dyonisio roce, [c.1506].
8°: a b–c⁸ d⁴ (d4 blank).
Printed in Paris by Pierre Le Dru for Denis Roce.
[View full record]C.132.h.11(2).
25 June 1507
Salicetus, Nicolaus, -approximately 1493.
Liber meditationum ac orationum deuotarum Qui Anthidotarius anime dicitur.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressus parisius [pr. by P. Le Dru?, for J. Petit (device)], Anno Millesimo quingentesimo septimo. Die vero .xxv. mensis Iunii [1507].
8°: a–s⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, possibly printed with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]IA.40820(1).
21 July 1507
De imitatione christi.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Exaratumque Parisii pro Iohanne paruo [pr. by P. le Dru]. Anno Millesimo quingentesimo septimo. Die vero .xxi. Iulii [1507].
8°: a–m⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]IX.Lat.247(1).
11 January 1507 [1508 n.s.]
Gringore, Pierre, approximately 1475-1538?
Les folles entreprises.
[Paris]: Au pellican rue sainct iacques [address of the Marnef brothers]. [Colophon:] imprime a paris [pr. by P. Le Dru] lan Mil cinq cens sept le .xi. iour de Ianuier, 1507 [1508 n.s.].
8°: a b–h⁸.
Printed in Paris for the Marnef brothers with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]241.g.43.
15 January 1507 [1508 n.s.?]
Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 1091-1153.
[Ad sororem modus bene viuendi.]
Diui bernardi abbatis ad sororem modus bene viuendi.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum Parisius sumptibus Dyonisii rosse [pr. by P. Le Dru?]. Anno Millesimo quingentesimo septimo: decimaquinta mensis Ianuarii [1507 (1508 n.s.?)].
8°: a–l⁸ m⁴.
Printed in Paris for Denis Roce with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]3833.a.20.
23 April 1508
Johannes, de Lapide, approximately 1425-1496.
Resolutorium dubiorum.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum parisius [pr. by P. Le Dru], Anno millesimo quingentesimo octauo. expensis Dionysii roce die .xxiii. Aprilis [1508].
8°: a–d⁸.
Printed in Paris for Denis Roce with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]C.115.aa.8(3).
[Mystere du Vieil Testament.]
Le mistere du viel testament par personnages ioue a paris hystorie Et imprime nouuellement.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprime nouuellement par Pierre le dru pour Anthoine verard, [1508].
2°: a–z & A–S⁸.
[View full record]C.22.b.10.
Le Roy, François.
Le liure de la femme forte et vertueuse declaratif du cantique de salomon es prouerbes ... compose par vng religieulx de la reformation de lordre de fonteurault.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprime a Paris par Pierre le dru, pour Iehan Frellon. Et pour Romain loriot, [1508].
8°: A–Z a–i⁸ k⁴ (k4 blank).
Printed in Paris by Pierre Le Dru for Jean Frellon and Romain Loriot.
[View full record]C.36.b.33.
Nicholas, of Lyra, approximately 1270-1349.
Preceptorium Nicolai de lira.
[Paris]: [pr. by P. Le Dru for J. Petit (device)], [c.1508].
8°: a–h⁸ i⁴.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]C.115.n.39 (lacks a8)
Remigius, the Grammarian.
[Regulae partium grammaticae artis fundamentales.]
Fundamentum scolarium.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impresse parisius [pr. by P. Le Dru?] Pro Radulpho laliseau, Anno currente octauo [1508?].
8°: A–I⁸.
Printed in Paris for Raoul Laliseau, probably printed with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]Cup.407.c.15 (lacks I8)
10 October 1509
Gringore, Pierre, approximately 1475-1538?
Les abuz du monde.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprime a paris par Pierre le dru pour icelluy gringore, lan mil. ccccc. et .ix. le dixiesme iour doctobre [1509].
8°: A–I⁸.
Printed in Paris by Pierre Le Dru for Pierre Gringore.
[View full record]C.124.dd.27.
25 October 1509
Buridan, Jean, 1300-1358.
[Questiones super octo physicorum libros Aristotelis.]
Acutissimi philosophi ... Iohannis buridani subtilissime questiones super octo phisicorum libros Aristotelis diligenter recognite ... A ...Iohanne dullaert de gandauo.
[Paris]: Venum exponuntur in edibus dionisii roce parisius. [Colophon:] impresse parhisiis [sic] opera ac industria Petri le dru Impensis Dionisii roce, Anno millesimo quingentesimo nono octauo calendas nouembres [1509].
2°: a–t⁶ v⁸ (v8 blank?).
Printed in Paris for Denis Roce with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]520.g.4 (lacks v8 (blank?))
Vespucci, Amerigo, 1451-1512.
[Mundus novus.]
Mundus nouus.
[Paris]: [pr. by P. Le Dru, for D. Roce (device)], [1509?].
8°: A⁸.
Printed in Paris for Denis Roce with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]G.6484.
Beroaldo, Filippo, 1453-1505.
Carmen lugubre Philippi Beroaldi De dominice passionis die.
[Paris]: [pr. by P. Le Dru, for D. Roce (device)], [1509?].
4°: A⁶.
Printed in Paris for Denis Roce with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]1073.l.47.
Thomas, à Kempis, 1380-1471.
[Hortulus rosarum.]
Ortulus rosarum liber deuotus.
[Paris]: [pr. by P. Le Dru, for J. Petit], [1509].
8°: a–b C⁸.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru for Jean Petit.
[View full record]C.128.a.13(2).
20 April 1510
La fleur des commandemens de dieu.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprime a Paris par pierre le dru. Lequel fut acheue le .xx. iour dauril Mil cinq cens et dix [1510].
2°: πa–b⁶ c⁴; a–z & ʔ aa–ff⁶ gg⁴ (gg4 blank?).
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit and the Marnef brothers with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]1413.h.15 (lacks gg4 (blank?))
Jerome, Saint, -419 or 420.
[In vitas patrum. French.]
La vie des peres renommee En plusieurs terres et pays.
[Paris]: Est nouuellement imprimee Pour francoys regnault a paris [Colophon:] Imprime a Paris par Pierre le dru, pour Francoys regnault, [c.1510].
2°: a–z & A–M⁶ N–O⁴ (O4 blank?).
Printed in Paris for François Regnault with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]487.i.8 (lacks O4, blank?)
Pontanus, Petrus, -1529.
Sequuntur dicteria in latino et in gallico magistri petri de ponte ceci burgensis.
[Paris]: [pr. by P. Le Dru?, for D. Roce (device)], [c.1510?].
8°: A⁸.
Printed in Paris for Denis Roce, probably printed with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru c. 1510.
[View full record]C.115.n.26.
[Exposition sur le sermon en la montagne.]
Lexposition sur le sermon que nostre seigneur fit en la montaigne contenant les huyt beatitudes.
[Paris: [Colophon:] Imprime a paris [pr. by P. Le Dru] pour Francoys regnault, [1510?].
8°: A B–K⁸ L⁴.
Printed in Paris for François Regnault with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru, datable to c. 1510.
[View full record]3832.aaa.20(1).
Nicholas, of Lyra, approximately 1270-1349.
Preceptorium Nicholai de lira.
[Paris]: [pr. by P. Le Dru for J. Petit (device)], [c.1510].
8°: a–h⁸ i⁴.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]1360.a.4(2) (duplicate copy of sig. b replacing sig. d)
Scot, Michael, approximately 1175-approximately 1234.
Phisionomia magistri michaelis scot.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum parisius [pr. by P. Le Dru] pro Iohanne petit, [1510?].
8°: A–F⁸ G⁴.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]527.a.43.
Casus papales Episcopales et abbatiales.
[Paris]: [pr. by P. Le Dru?], [c. 1510].
8°: A⁸.
Printed in Paris, probably printed with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]1412.c.15(3) (lacks A1 and A7,8 (blank?))
Principes en francois.
[Paris]: [pr. by P. Le Dru?], [c. 1510?].
8°: a⁸.
Printed in Paris, possibly printed with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru, c. 1510.
[View full record]IA.40874.
5 February 1511
Lauret, Bernard, 14..-1495.
Casus in quibus iudex secularis potest manus in personas clericorum ... imponere. ...
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressus Parisius [pr. by P. Le Dru] pro Iohanne petit. Anno millesimo quingentesimo decimo Die vero quinta mensis Februarii [1510 (1511 n.s.?)].
8°: a–d⁸ e⁴.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]C.66.a.28(3).
Isidore, of Seville, Saint, -636.
[De summo bono.]
Isidorus de summo bono.
[Paris]: [pr. by P. Le Dru, for J. Petit (device)], [1511?].
8°: a b–m⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]8403.aaa.8 (lacks m7,8)
20 January 1512
Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan, -397.
[Traité du bien de la mort.]
Le traicte sainct Ambroise du bien de la mort.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprime a paris [pr. by P. Le Dru] Pour francoys regnault. Lan mil cinq cens et vnze. le .xx. iour de Ianuier [1511 (1512 n.s.?)].
8°: a–e⁸ (e8 blank?).
Printed in Paris for François Regnault with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]3832.aaa.20(2) (lacks e8 (blank?))
29 March 1512
Macer, Aemilius, (i.e. Odo Magdunensis).
[De viribus herbarum.]
Herbarum varias quiuis cognoscere vires Macer adest.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressus Parisius [pr. by P. Le Dru], Anno Millesimo quingentesimo vndecimo die vero .xxix mensis martii [1511 (1512 n.s.?)].
8°: a b–g⁸.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Pierre Le Dru.
[View full record]546.b.29.

© DJS, 28/06/2020