Nicolas Higman

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Nicolas Higman
Printer in Paris, (1495– ) 1512–1528 ( –1537)


Renouard considered that he was probably a relative of Jean Higman (died ca. 1500). The Inventaire chronologique records datable books from 1512, 1515–1528?, 1536, 1537. He seems not to have used roman type.

None recorded
Renouard, Répertoire, 205.
BnF Data: Nicolas Higman
None recorded.
Name Size Dates Notes
T33 46 1519
T29B 69 1519
T24 95 1519
T17? 108 1512–1518
T16 113 1515–1517
T6 220 1518–1519
Rot81 64 1516–1520?
Rot47 79 1515–1520
Rot47 82 1520
B12 82 1512, 1515?
B7 98 1516–1520?
Size Dates
4.0 1519–1520?
5.5 1515
7.0 1518–1520?
9.0 1519
11.0 1515–1518
Size Dates
14 mm 1512–1519
22 mm 1512–1519
32 mm 1515–1519
‘$.j.’–‘$.iiij.’; some octavos signed ‘$’ or ‘$.i.’ only (also ‘$.ii.’).

Le Roy, François.
Le mirouer de penitence tresdeuot et salutaire ... Faict et compose nouuellement en Lan Mil cinq cens et xii.
[Paris]: Imprime a Paris pour Symon vostre [pr. by N. Higman?], [1512].
8°: a–z; ²a–b C–S⁸.
Printed in Paris for Simon Vostre, probably printed with the typographical material of Nicolas Higman.
[View full record]1360.e.1.
[Liturgies. Hours. Rome.]
Hore beate virginis marie: secundum vsum Romanum ecclesie: ad longum, cum multis orationibus et hystorijs.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Parisius impresse per Nycolaum hygman, pro Iohanne de brie, [c. 1515].
8°: π⁸ A–O⁸.
Printed in Paris by Nicolas Higman for Jean de Brie.
[View full record]1219.e.21.
Bonaventure, Saint, Cardinal, approximately 1217-1274.
[Lignum vitae. French.]
Traicte qui est dit larbre de la croix: compose par sainct Bonauenture.
[Paris]: [pr. by N. Higman, for S. Vostre], [c. 1515].
8°: a–g⁸ h⁴.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Nicolas Higman for Simon Vostre.
[View full record]3832.aa.24.
20 October 1516
[Liturgies. Hours. Rome.]
Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Romme.
[Paris]: acheuees le .xx. iour du moys doctobre. Lan mil cinq cens et seize. Pour Guillaume eustace. [Colophon:] imprimees a Paris: lan Mil cinq cens & seize par (Nycolas hygman) [sic] pour Guillaume Eustace, [1516].
8°: a–c⁸ d⁴; e–o⁸.
Printed in Paris by Nicolas Higman for Guillaume Eustace.
[View full record]C.29.c.18 (vellum)
[Liturgies. Hours. Rome.]
Hore beate virginis marie secundum vsum Romanum.
[Paris]: [Colophon 1:] Impresse sunt Parisius. Anno Mil. qningentesimo [sic] .xvi. expensis Guillermi eustache. [Colophon 2:] imprimees a paris pour Guillaume Eustache, par Nycolas hygman, [1516].
8°: a–p⁸; a–d⁸.
Printed in Paris by Nicolas Higman for Guillaume Eustace.
[View full record]C.41.a.30 (vellum)
12 October 1517
Breydenbach, Bernhard von, -1497.
[Peregrinatio in Terram Sanctam. French.]
Le grant voyage de Iherusalem.
[Paris]: [Colophon 1:] Imprime a Paris, par Nicolas hygman pour Francoys regnault le douziesme iour de octobre Lan mil cinq cens et dixsept. [Colophon 2:] Imprime a Paris pour Francoys regnault, le douziesme iour de octobre Lan mil cinq cens et dixsept [1517].
4°: ⁴ a–c⁶ d–p⁸/⁴; pp ppp⁸ q–z A–F⁸/⁴ G⁴ H⁸ I k⁶ (k6 blank).
Printed in Paris by Nicolas Higman for François Regnault.
[View full record]702.k.1 (lacks title page)
Signot, Jacques.
La totale et vraie description de tous les passaiges, lieux, & destroictz: par lesquelz on peut passer ... des Gaules es ytalies.
[Paris]: On vend lesdictz liures a Paris en la maison de Toussains Denys libraire [pr. by N. Higman]. [Colophon:] Impressum Parisius anno sumptibus Toussani denys, [1518].
4°: A–K⁴ ²A–C⁴.
Printed in Paris for Toussaint Denis, with the typographical material of Nicolas Higman.
[View full record] (lacks sigs ²A–C)
[Liturgies. Hours. Rome. Dutch.]
Die ghetijden van onser lieuer vrouwen met vele schoone louen ende oracien.
[Paris]: [pr. by N. Higman?, for F. Regnault], [1518?].
8°: A–P⁸.
Printed in Paris for François Regnault, possibly printed with the typographical material of Nicolas Higman c. 1518.
[View full record]C.29.f.23 (vellum)
[Liturgies. Hours. Coutances.]
Ces presentes Heures a lusaiges de Contances [sic] toutes au long sans requerir.
[Paris]: Faictes a Paris pour Symon vostre libraire [pr. by N. Higman], [1519?].
4°: a–b⁸ c⁴ d–i⁸; ã ẽ ĩ⁸ õ⁶.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Nicolas Higman for Simon Vostre.
[View full record]222.i.2.
[Liturgies. Breviaries. Salisbury. Pars estivalis.]
Portiforium seu Breuiarium ad insignis Salisburiensis ecclesie vsum: ... Pars estivalis.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] In alma vniuersitate Parisien. impressa per Nicolaum hygman. Impensis vero & sumptibus Francisci regnault & Francisci Byrckman ciuis Colonien. Anno Millesimo quingentesimo decimo nono [1519].
4°: ¹⁰; a–e⁸ f⁶; ²a–o⁸ p⁶; aa–oo⁸ (o8 blank?).
Printed in Paris by Nicolas Higman for François Regnault and Franz Birckmann (in Cologne)
[View full record]C.110.d.17.
[Georgics. French.]
Les Georgicques ... translatees de latin en francoys: et Moralisees.
[Paris]: [pr. by J. Pouchin and N. Higman, for D. Gerlier], [1519].
8°: a A–R⁸ S⁴.
Printed in Paris for Durand Gerlier, the printing probably shared by Jacques Pouchin and Nicolas Higman.
[View full record]237.l.20 (lacks title page)
[Liturgies. Hours. Rome. Spanish.]
Las horas de nuestra señora con muchos otros ofiçios y oraçiones.
[Paris]: Impressas en Paris. [Colophon:] Impressas en Paris por Nicolao Higman. por el Symon Voestre [sic], [c. 1520?].
8°: a–p⁸.
Printed in Paris by Nicolas Higman for Simon Vostre.
[View full record]C.132.h.18.
[Liturgies. Hours. Rome. Spanish.]
Las horas de nuestra señora con muchos otros ofiçios y oraçiones.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressas en Paris por Nicolao Higman. por el Symon Voestre [sic], [c. 1520?].
8°: a–r⁸.
Printed in Paris by Nicolas Higman for Simon Vostre.
[View full record]C.30.c.10 (lacks title page)
[Liturgies. Hours. Salisbury.]
Hore beate virginis Marie: secundum vsum Sarum.
[Paris]: Impresse fuerunt Parisiis opera ac arte Nicolai hygman. Impensis Symonis vostre, [c. 1520?].
4°: a–p⁸.
Printed in Paris by Nicolas Higman for Simon Vostre.
[View full record]C.41.e.9 (imperfect)

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