Michel Lesclencher

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Michel Lesclencher
Printer in Paris, 1515–1521


Also spelled ‘Lesclancher’

Sometimes in association with Jean Bienayse up to c. 1515.

In Platea Mauberti, apud intersignium diui Michaelis (Place Maubert, at the sign of St Michael)
Renouard, Répertoire, 275.
BnF Data: Michel Lesclencher
No device recorded.
Name Size Dates Notes
R16 78 1519–1520
R6 104 1520
Rcaps 9A 9Rcaps 1520
T17 114 1515, 1520
T15 125 1517?
T5 230 1515?, 1519
Rot94 53 1516–1519
Rot81 63 1515–1520
Rot55 78 1515–1518
Rot47 85 1515–1516
Rot40 93 1519
B4 100 1519
Gk5A 1519
Size Dates
12 1516, 1520
14 1516–1520
16 1515–1520
21 1517–1520
24 1515
27 1517
30 1515–1519
35 1519–1520
‘$’–‘$iiii’; ‘$j’–‘$iiij’; ‘$.i.’–‘$.iiii.’; ‘$j.’–‘$iiij.’

Maillard, Olivier, approximately 1430-1502.
Nouum diuersorum sermonum opus ... Oliuerii Maillardi.
[Paris]: Venundatur parisii In domo Ioannis parui. [Colophon:] Industria Ioannis barbier [and M. Lesclencher]. Expensis vero Ioannis petit, [1513].
8°: a–x⁸ y⁴; A–T⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit, the printing shared by Jean Barbier and Michel Lesclencher.
[View full record]846.i.16(2).
Bradwardine, Thomas, 1290?-1349.
Arithmetica Speculatiua Thome Brauardini nuper mendis Plusculis tersa et diligenter Impressa.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Parisius diligentissime impressa per Michaelem Lesclencher, [1515–1520].
4°: a⁶ b⁸.
Printed in Paris by Michel Lesclencher.
[View full record]1044.d.21(3).
Houvet, Guillaume, 14..-15..
Serpens antiquus de septem peccatis criminalibus.
[Paris]: Venundantur In domo Iohannis Frellon [pr. by M. Lesclencher], [c. 1515].
8°: a–z & ʔ ⁸.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Michel Lesclencher for Jean Frellon, c. 1515.
[View full record]697.a.68.
9 January 1516
Peurbach, Georg von, 1423-1461.
Theoricarum nouarum textus Georgij Purbachij.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] in alma Parrhisiorum Academia (sed nusquam antea) solertia: & caracteribus Michaelis Lesclencher, Sumptibus Iohannis Parui & Reginaldi Chauderon [sic], Anno .1515. Sole Capricorni .19. gradum occupante [1515 (1516 n.s.?)].
2°: a⁸ b–p⁶.
[View full record]532.h.25 (lacks title page)
30 May 1516
Maillard, Olivier, approximately 1430-1502.
Quadragesimale opus declamatum Parisiorum vrbe ecclesia Sancti Iohannis in Grauia per ... Oliuerium Maillardi ... Anno MCCCCCXV.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Opera Michaelis Lesclencher impensis Iohannis Petit impressorum, Anno M.CCCCC xvj. Die vero .xxx. Mensis. Maij [1516].
8°: a–x⁸ y⁶.
Printed in Paris by Michel Lesclencher for Jean Petit.
[View full record]3833.aaa.14(3).
846.i.15(1) (lacks title page; misbound)
24 March 1517
Sermones dormi secure dominicales.
Parisius: [pr. by M. Lesclencher for J. Petit], 1517.
Printed in Paris by Michel Lesclencher for Jean Petit.
[View full record]4428.a.26 (destroyedby bombing in World War II)
21 June 1517
Andosilla y Arlés, Martín de, 1451-1521.
Tractatus insignis et exquisitissimus de superstitionibus contra maleficia seu sortilegia que hodie vigent in orbe terrarum: in lucem nuperrime editus per ... magistrum Martinum de Arles.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Explicit Parisius, anno millesimo quingentesimo .xvij. die vero .xxj. Iunij [1517].
8°: ⁴ A–D⁸.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Michel Lesclencher for Pierre Gromors.
[View full record]3832.aaa.8.
Le Mercier, Pierre.
Flores et principia naturalis philosophie in orto phisico lecti per Petrum mercarium.
[Paris]: Venales prostant in officina Oliverii senant [pr. by M. Lesclencher], [1516/1517].
2°: A–B⁸ C⁶ D⁴.
Printed in Paris for Olivier Senant with the typographical material of Michel Lesclencher.
[View full record]8473.bbb.1.
26 June 1518
Maillard, Olivier, approximately 1430-1502.
Opus quadragesimale egregium magistri Oliuerij Maillardi ... quod ...in ciuitate Nanneten: fuit ... declamatum.
[Paris]: Nuper Parisius impressum [pr. by M. Lesclencher]. [Colophon:] Impensis Iohannis petit. finis adest die xxvj. Iunij. Anno Millesimo Quingentesimo decimo octauo [1518].
8°: a–p⁸ q⁴.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the typographical material of Michel Lesclencher.
[View full record]846.i.15(3) (a–f only, lacks title page)
2 April 1519
Melun. Bailliage.
Les coustumes generalles gardees et obseruees au bailliaige de Meleun.
[Paris]: Imprimees pour Englebert et Iehan de marnef [pr. by M. Lesclencher]. [Colophon:] Imprimees a Paris Lan Mil cinq cens et dixneuf le deuxiesme iour Dauril [1519].
4°: A–B⁸ C–D⁴ E⁸.
Printed in Paris for Enguilbert de Marnef and Jean de Marnef, printed with the typographical material of Michel Lesclencher.
[View full record]5423.b.32.
1 August 1519
Pontanus, Petrus, -1529.
[Grammaticae artis isagoge.]
Petri pontani Caeci Brugensis Duplex grammatice Isagoge.
[Paris]: Venundatur Parisijs a Bernardo Aubririo. [Colophon:] Impressum parrhisijs cura et sumptibus Bernardi Aubririj ... prelari vero pumice Michaelis lesclencher. Anno Millesimo quingentesimo decimo nono calendis Augusti [1519].
4°: a⁸ b⁴ c–d⁸.
Printed in Paris by Michel Lesclencher for Bernard Aubry.
[View full record]T.1516(1) (lacks d1.8)
Maillard, Olivier, approximately 1430-1502.
Passio domini nostri Iesu christi Reuerendi. p. Oliuerij Parisius declamata.
[Paris]: [pr. by M. Lesclencher, for J. Petit?], [c. 1519].
8°: A–B⁸ (B8 blank).
Printed in Paris probably for Jean Petit with the typographical material of Michel Lesclencher.
[View full record]846.i.15(4).
Diogenes Laertius.
Diogenis laertij historiographi de philosophorum vita decem.
[Paris]: Venundantur Parisius in vico diui Iacobi sub intersignio Pellicani [address of the Marnef brothers; pr. by M. Lesclencher], [1519?].
4°: πA⁸ A–O⁸/⁴ P–X⁴/⁸ z⁴.
Printed in Paris for the Marnef brothers, Jean Petit and Gilles de Gourmont with the typographical material of Michel Lesclencher.
[View full record]10608.d.29.
Eusebius, of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea, approximately 260-approximately 340.
Historia ecclesiastica.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Parisius impressa [pr. by M. Lesclencher] expensis Francisci regnault, [c. 1519].
8°: a–q⁸ r⁴; A–C⁸.
Printed in Paris for François Regnault with the typographical material of Michel Lesclencher.
[View full record]1365.a.3.
9 May 1520
Publii Virgilii Maronis Opus eximium.
[Paris]: Venundatur Parrhisiis in aedibus Aegidii Gourmond. [Colophon:] Impressit Michael Lesclencher Parrhisis [sic]. Anno. D.XX. Die Maij Nona [1520].
4°: a–z A–L⁸ M⁴.
[View full record]11386.h.15.
Jacobus, de Voragine, approximately 1229-1298.
[Sermones de sanctis.]
Sermones pulcherrimi variis scripturarum doctrinis referti de sanctis ... a ... Iacobo de voragine.
[Paris]: [pr. by J. Cornillau and M. Lesclencher], [c. 1520].
8°: A–X Aa–Hh⁸ Ii⁴.
Printed in Paris, printing shared by Jean Cornillau and Michel Lesclencher.
[View full record]C.48.c.4.
25 February 1521 n.s.
Albricus, philosophus, active 13th century.
Allegoriae poeticae seu de veritate ac expositione poeticarum fabularum libri quatuor Alberico londonensi authore.
[Paris]: Veneunt in ędibus Industrij viri Ioannis de Marnef [pr. by P. Vidoue and M. Lesclencher]. [Colophon:] anno .M.D.XX. Vicesima quinta die Februarii. Sub Pellicano signo [address of J. de Marnef], [1520 (1521 n.s.)].
4°: π⁴ A⁸ B⁴ C–D⁸ E⁴ F⁸ G⁶ H⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean de Marnef, the printing shared by Pierre Vidoue and Michel Lesclencher.
[View full record]4506.aa.20.

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