Liturgies. Hours. Rome. French. 1514. 8°. Paris: Jean de La Roche, for Guillaume Eustace.

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[Liturgies. Hours. Rome. French.]
Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Romme.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] ont este imprimees a Paris par Iehan de la roche Lan mil cinq cens & quatorze pour guillaume eustace, [1514].
8°: a⁸ b⁴ c⁸ d–e⁴ f–m⁸ n⁴; A⁸ B⁴ C⁸ D⁶.
Printed in Paris by Jean de La Roche for Guillaume Eustace.
Almanach for 1512 to 1527.
Signature pattern: ‘$.i.’–‘$.iiii.’.
Catchword pattern: none.
Types: B7 (96mm).
Initials: overpainted.
Devices: Renouard 309 (G. Eustace).
Illustrations: woodcuts (overpainted).
Bohatta no. 960.
Inventaire chronologique 1514, no. 858.
[IS001363]C.29.l.7 (vellum)