Jean de La Roche
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Jean de La Roche
Printer in Paris, 1512–1524
Imprimeur, libraire, et fondeur
The Inventaire chronologique lists books printed by La Roche for the years 1512, 1513, 1514 only. Renouard records that he was loaned printing materials in 1514 by Pierre Attaignant, and that he may have printed in Orléans in 1518. His initials may have passed to Vincent Quignon.
- Addresses
1513 | in vico Poretarum, rue des Porées |
1514 | rue Sainct Jacques |
- References
- Renouard, Répertoire, 240–241.
- BnF Data: Jean de La Roche
- Devices
- Renouard does not record a device.
- Types
Name | Size | Dates | Notes |
T16 | 116 | 1513 | |
T6 | 220 | 1514 | |
Rot81 | 63 | 1513 | |
Rot40 | 92 | 1513 | |
Rot3 | 210 | 1513 | |
B7 | 99 | 1513–1514 |
- Initials
Size | Dates |
19 | 1513 |
28 | 1513 |
- Signatures
‘$.’–‘$.iiii.’; ‘$.j.’–‘$.iij.’
- Catchwords
- None.
21 June 1513Duns Scotus, John, approximately 1266-1308.[Liber secundus super Sententias.]Secundus Liber doctoris Subtilis fratris Ioannis Duns Scoti ... super sententias.[Paris]: Venundantur parrhisijs a Iohanne GranIon. [Colophon:] Impressum Parisius opera Nicolai de pratis [and J. Barbier and J. de La Roche] pro Iohanne granion, Anno .M.CCCCC.xiij. Die vero .xxi. mensis Iunij [1513].2°: a–b cc–qq⁶.Printed in Paris for Jean Granjon, the printing shared by Nicolas Des Prez, Jean Barbier and Jean de La Roche.
[View full record] C.81.d.11(2). 3 August 1513Jacobus, de Voragine, approximately 1229-1298.[Legenda aurea. French.]La legende doree et vie des Saincts et Sainctes.[Paris]: On les vend a Paris en la rue sainct Iaques a lenseigne du cressant blanc [address of H. Le Fèvre]. [Colophon:] Imprimee a Paris par Iehan de la roche. Et fut acheuee le .iije. iour du moys daoust. Mil cinq cens & treze [1513].2°: A–X y–z & ʔ a–g⁸.Printed in Paris by Jean de La Roche for Hémon Le Fèvre.
[View full record] 4826.f.2. 1513Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 1091-1153.De contemptu mundi cum commento.[Paris]: [Colophon:] Parisij impressum cura Iohannis de la Roche [for the Marnef brothers], [1513].4°: A–D⁶.Printed in Paris by Jean de La Roche for the Marnef brothers.
[View full record] April 1514Gaguin, Robert, 1433-1501.[De origine et gestis Francorum. French.]Les grandes croniques ... des roys de France ... Composees en latin par ... Robert Gaguin.[Paris]: Impressees a Paris pour Poncet le preux, et Galliot du pre [pr. by A. Bonnemère and J. de La Roche], en lan mil cinq cens & .xiiii. au moys de Auril pres les pasques [1514].2°: πA–B⁶; a–z & A–L⁶ M⁴; N–S⁶ T².Printed in Paris for Poncet Le Preux and Galliot Du Pré, the printing shared by Antoine Bonnemère and Jean de La Roche.
[View full record] C.97.g.4. 25 November 1514Bouchart, Alain, -1531?Les grandes croniques de Bretaigne.[Paris]: Fait & paracheue dimprimer Le .xxv. de nouembre Mil cinq cens & .xiiii. [1514].2°: Aa–Bb⁶ Cc⁴ a–z & ʔ A–V aa–gg⁶ hh⁸.Printed in Paris by Jean de La Roche for Galliot Du Pré.
[View full record] G.5999. 1514[Liturgies. Hours. Rome. French.]Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Romme.[Paris]: [Colophon:] ont este imprimees a Paris par Iehan de la roche Lan mil cinq cens & quatorze pour guillaume eustace, [1514].8°: a⁸ b⁴ c⁸ d–e⁴ f–m⁸ n⁴; A⁸ B⁴ C⁸ D⁶.Printed in Paris by Jean de La Roche for Guillaume Eustace.
[View full record] C.29.l.7 (vellum) 1514[Liturgies. Hours. Tours.]Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Tours.[Paris]: [Colophon:] imprimees a Paris par Iehan de la roche Lan mil cinq cens & quatorze pour guillaume eustace, [1514].8°: a–d⁸/⁴ e⁴ f–k⁸ l⁴ m⁶; A⁸ B⁴ C⁸ D⁶.Printed in Paris by Jean de La Roche for Guillaume Eustace.
[View full record] C.27.i.9 (vellum)
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