Claude Davost
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Claude Davost, dit de Troyes
Printer in Lyon, 1502–1518
Frequently worked for E. Gueynard, J. Huguetan or S. Vincent.
- Addresses
- References
- S. Von Gültlingen, t. ii (BBA 141), 15–
- Devices
- Compartment (295 x 205 mm) in 4 sections, signed A (= ‘Avost’?), 1506.
- Types
Name | Size | Dates | Notes |
T19 | 105 | 1510 | |
T4 | 250 | 1506 | |
Rot82B | 60 | 1504–1505 | |
Rot82A | 57 | 1506–1509 | |
Rot74 | 65 | 1508–1510 | |
Rot67C | 66 | 1508–1509 | |
Rot66 | 67 | 1505–1510 | |
Rot59 | 75 | 1506 | |
Rot43 | 80 | 1510 | |
Rot51 | 83 | 1505–1510 | |
Rot45? | 82 | 1508-1509 | |
Rot34 | 92 | 1508 | |
Rot29 | 105 | 1508–1509 | |
Rot24 | 118 | 1504–1509 | |
Rot25 | 120 | 1506 | |
Rot16 | 130 | 1598–1509 | |
Rot3 | 170 | 1506–1510 | |
B4 | 93 | 1506, 1509 | |
Music | 1508 | 13 mm stave, 3 mm neums |
- Initials
Size | Dates |
12 mm | 1505–1510 |
17 mm | 1504–1510 |
19 mm | 1505–1510 |
29 mm | 1504–1510 |
39 mm | 1505–1506 |
45 mm | 1505 |
50 mm | 1504 |
- Signatures
- ‘$’–‘$iiij’.
- Catchwords
- None.
The following books were printed by Claude Davost in Lyon
30 May 1504Vivaldi, Giovanni Ludovico, -1540.Aureum opus de veritate contritionis.[Lyon]: Venundantur lugduni ab Stephano Gueynart. [Colophon:] Lugdun. impressum: per Claudium dauost alias de troyes: expensis Stephani gueynart. Anno Millesimo quingentesimo quarto. Die vero penultima maij [1504].8°: a–z & A–D⁸.Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Etienne Gueynard.
[View full record] C.125.aa.5. 9 April 1505Biblia cum summarijs: concordantijs: diuisionibus: ...[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugdun. ab Stephano Gueynard. [Colophon:] Impressit Claudius Dauost alias de Troyes. Anno Millesimo quingentesimo quinto. Die vero nono Aprilis [1505].4°: a–z A–Z Aa–Bb aa–dd⁸.Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Etienne Gueynard.
[View full record] 1408.l.14. 28 April 1505Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus, 480-524.[De consolatione philosophica.]Duplex commentatio ex integro reposita atque recognita in Boetium: seu Boethum mauis: de consolatione philosophica & disciplina scolastica.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum est Lugduni per Claudium dauost alias de Troys, Anno .M.ccccc.v. xxviij. die Aprilis [1505].4°: a–f⁸ g⁴ h–i⁸ k⁴ l–n⁸ o⁴ p–q⁸ r⁴ s⁸ t⁴; A⁸ B⁴ C–D⁸.Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Simon Vincent.
[View full record] C.175.h.8. 1505Gilles, de Corbeil, active 1200.Carmina de vrinarum iudicijs edita a magistro Egidio.[Lyon]: [pr. by C. Davost?], [1505–1510].8°: [sig. A only].Probably printed in Lyon with the typographical material of Claude Davost.
[View full record] 1070.d.30 (sig. A only in a copy of another edition) 25 June 1506Grütsch, Johann, 1420-1470.Sermones quadragesimales fratris Iohannis Gritsch.[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugd. per Ioannem Huguetan. [Colophon:] Impressum correctius Lugd. per Claudium dauost alias de troys. pro Iohanne huguetan. M.cccccvi. die vero xxv. mensis Iunij [1506].4°: a⁸ b¹⁰ c–f⁸ g¹⁰ h–z A–G⁸ H⁶.Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Jean Huguetan.
[View full record] C.66.e.6. 14 November 1506[Rudimentum noviciorum. French.]La mer des hystoires.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Imprime a lyon par Claude dauost alias de troye, pour maistre iehan dyamantier. Lan mil cinq cens & six le .xiiiie. iour de nouembre [1506].2°: ã⁶ ãã⁴ a–z aa–mm⁶; A–X AA–GG⁶ HH–II⁴ AAA–CCC⁶ DDD⁴ &⁶.Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Jean Diamentier.
[View full record] 1309.l.5 (lacks AAA–DDD)
C.107.k.10.1506Champier, Symphorien, 1472?-approximately 1535.[Libelli duo.]Index librorum in hoc volumine contentorum. Domini Symphoriani Champerij ... Libelli duo. Primus de medicine claris scriptoribus ... Secundus de legum diuinarum conditoribus.[Lyon]: [pr. by C. Davost, for E. Gueynard], [1506].8°: ✠⁶ a–f⁸ g¹⁰; aa–cc A–C⁸; AA AAA–CCC⁸ DDD⁴; aaa–ccc⁸ ddd⁴.Printed in Lyon for Etienne Gueynard with the typographical material of Claude Davost.
[View full record] 232.e.29(1,3) (imperfect)
541.c.21.1507Cicero, Marcus Tullius.Marc. Tull. Cice. opera de officijs.[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugduni a Stephano Gueynard [and S. Vincent; pr. by C. Davost], [c. 1507].4°: AA a–y⁸ z⁴ A–K⁸ L¹⁰.Printed in Lyon for Etienne Gueynard and Simon Vincent with the typographical material of Claude Davost.
[View full record] 720.k.9. 28 February 1508Champier, Symphorien, 1472?-approximately 1535.[De triplici disciplina.]Simphoriani champerij de triplici disciplina.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum Lugd. expensis Simonis vincentij: arte & industria Claudij dauost alias de Troys. Anno .M.ccccc. viij. finitum pridie kal. martij [1508].8°: A–C a–n aa–nn⁸ oo⁴ aaa–fff⁸.Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Simon Vincent.
[View full record] 232.e.29(2) (misbound; lacks a–n)
773.b.16.18 May 1508Natalibus, Petrus de, active 1370-1400.Catalogus sanctorum & gestorum eorum ... editus a ... Petro de Natalibus.[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugduni a Stephano Gueynard. [Colophon:] Lugduni impressum per Claudium dauost alias de troys. Impensis Stephani gueynard. Anno millesimo quingentesimooctauo. xv. kalendas Iunij [1508].4°: π⁴ a–z & A–S⁸ T⁴.Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Etienne Gueynard.
[View full record] 485.d.15. 10 January 1509Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 1091-1153.[Floretus.]Liber floreti in quo flores omnium virtutum & detestationes vitiorum metrice continentur.[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugduni a Iacobo huguetan. [Colophon:] Anno Millesimo .ccccc. ix. die .x. mensis Ianuarij. Impressum Lugduni [pr. by C. Davost], [1509].4°: a–z⁸ &⁶.Printed in Lyon with the typographical material of Claude Davost for Jacques Huguetan.
[View full record] 1412.f.35. (lacks &6 (blank?)) 13 February 1509[Liturgies. Missals. Rome.]Missale scdm ritum sancte Romane ecclesie .[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugduni ab Stephano gueynard. [Colophon:] Impressum Lugduni arte Claudij dauost alias de Troye. Impensis Stephani gueynard. Anno millesimo quingentesimo octauo die .xiij. mensis Februarij [1508 (1509 n.s.?)].4°: aa–bb a–z A–G⁸ H⁴.Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Etienne Gueynard.
[View full record] C.35.h.4. 16 April 1509Horborch, Guillelmus, active 1373-1381.Decisiones rote Noue & Antique.[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugduni a Stephano Gueynard. [Colophon:] Impresse Lugdun. per Claudium dauost alias de troys. Impensis Stephani Gueynard. Anno Millesimo quingentesimonono. xvi. kal. maij [1509].4°: aa¹⁰ a–o⁸ p⁶ q–z & ʔ A–M⁸ N⁴ AA¹⁰.Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Etienne Gueynard.
[View full record] 706.l.17. 30 October 1509Bertucci, Niccolò, -1347.Nusquam antea impressum collectorium totius fere medicine Bertrucij Bononiensis.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum Lugd. per Claudium dauost alias de troys. Impensis Bartholomei trote. Anno M.cccccix. tertio kal. Nouembris [1509].4°: AA⁴ a–z A–H⁸ I⁶.Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 544.f.17. 13 November 1509Champier, Symphorien, 1472?-approximately 1535.Le triumphe du treschrestien Roy de France .xij. de ce nom.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Imprime a Lyon par Claude dauost aultrement dict de troys. le .xiii. iour du moys de nouembre. Lan mil cinq cens et neuf [1509].4°: a–h⁴ i².Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost.
[View full record] C.118.c.17. 17 April 1510Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D.[Metamorphoses. Paraphrase.]P. Ouidij Nasonis Metamorphoseos libri moralizati.[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugd. ab Stephano Gueynard. [Colophon:] Impressum fuit Lugd. per Claudium dauost alias de troys. Impensis Stephani Gueynard. Anno Millesimo quingentesimo decimo .xv. kal. Maij [1510].4°: a⁶ b–z A–E⁸ F⁶.Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Etienne Gueynard.
[View full record] 654.c.17. 27 April 1510[Liturgies. Missals. Lyon.]Missale ad vsum lugdunen. ecclesie.[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugduni ab Iohanne Huguetan. [Colophon:] Impressum per Claudium dauost: alias de Troyes. Anno M.ccccc. decimo. Die. xxvi mensis Aprilis. [1510].4°: ✠¹⁰ a–i⁸ k¹⁰ l–z & ʔ⁸ ꝝ⁶.
[View full record] C.52.c.11. 2 July 1510Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153.Liber nomine floretus a sancto bernardo clareuallis metrice accumulatus.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Anno Millesimo quingentesimo decimo vero secunda mensis Iulij [pr. by C. Davost?], 1510.4°: a–c⁸ d⁴ e–g⁸ h⁴ i–n⁸ o⁴ p–s⁸.Probably printed in Lyon with the typographical material of Claude Davost for Simon Vincent.
[View full record] 1413.h.8. 29 July 1510Ludolf, von Sachsen, approximately 1300-1377 or 1378.Vita Iesu christi domini ac saluatoris ... collecta per Ludolphum de Saxonia.[Lyon]: Venundatur Lugdu. ab Stephano Gueynard. [Colophon:] rursus Lugd. coimpressa a Claudio dauost alias de troys. Impensis Stephani gueynard. Anno quingentesimo decimo: quarto kl. augusti [1510].4°: πa⁸ πb⁴ a–z & ʔ ꝝ A–X AA–EE⁸.Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Etienne Gueynard.
[View full record] 3834.b.17. 1510Corvo, Andrea.[Chiromantia. French.]Lart de chyromance de ... maistre andrieu corum ... translatee de latin en francoys. Par maistre Iehan de verdellay.[Lyon]: [pr. by C. Davost?], [c. 1510].8°: A–M⁸.Probably printed in Lyon with the typographical material of Claude Davost.
[View full record] 8631.a.20 (imperfect)
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