Barthélemy Trot
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Barthélemy Trot
Printer in Lyon, 1506–1535
Trot was probably a bookseller who owned printing type, rather than a printer. Some of the books in italic types which have his fleur de lys device may have been printed by Balthazar de Gabiano.
Geoffroy Tory appears to have acted a a commissioning editor for a book printed in 1510.
- Addresses
- References
- Baudrier, viii, ...–...;
- S. Von Gültlingen, t. ii (BBA ...), ...–...;
- D. J. Shaw, ‘The Lyons counterfeit of Aldus’s italic type: a new chronology’, The Italian Book, 1465–1800, British Library, 1993, 117–33.
- Devices
- Device 1 (Baudrier, viii, 412)
- Device 2 (Baudrier, viii, 416)
- red fleur de lys
- Types
Name | Size | Dates | Notes |
It6 | 78 mm |
- Initials
Size | Dates |
- Signatures
- Catchwords
The following books were printed by Barthélemy Trot in Lyon
5 November 1504Sallust, 86 B.C.-34 B.C.[De coniuratione Catilinae.]Salustius.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum [pr. for B. Trot?], anno millesimo quingentesimoquarto. Die uero quinta Nouembris [1504].8°: a–o⁸ p⁴.Printed in Lyon with typographical material associated with Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 833.d.15. 1504Martial.[Epigrammata.]Martialis.[Lyon]: [pr. for B. Trot?], [1502].8°: A–Z &⁸.Printed in Lyon with typographical material associated with Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 1068.l.7. 1504Catullus, Caius Valerius.Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius.[Lyon]: [pr. for B. Trot?], [1504].8°: A–E⁸ F⁴; a–i⁸ (i7 blank); ²A–D⁸ E⁴.Printed in Lyon with typographical material associated with Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 1068.h.18. 1504Sallust, 86 B.C.-34 B.C.Salustius.[Lyon]: [pr. by B. de Gabiano for B. Trot?], [1504].8°: a–o⁸ p⁴.Printed in Lyon with typographical material associated with Balthazar de Gabiano possibly for Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 803.c.23. 1504Xenophon.Xenophon. In hoc volumine continentur infrascripta opera Xenophontis. Paedia Cyri [etc.] .[Lyon]: [pr. for B. Trot?], [1504?].8°: A–Y AA–EE⁸ FF⁴.Printed in Lyon with typographical material associated with Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 802.c.3.
802.c.4.1504Lucan, 39-65.[Pharsalia.]Lucanus.[Lyon]: [pr. for B. Trot?], [1504?].8°: a–r⁸ s⁴.Printed in Lyon with typographical material associated with Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 1068.i.19.
11385.a.17.10 November 1506[Bible. Latin.]Biblia cum pleno apparatu summariorum concordantiarum ...[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum est characteribus venetis per Iacobum sacon [for B. Trot?]. Anno Millesimo quingentesimo sexto x. die nouembris [1506].2°: A⁸ B⁶ a–z A–T⁸ U–X⁶; aa–cc⁸ dd⁶.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Sacon probably for Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 469.c.5. 30 October 1509Bertucci, Niccolò, -1347.Nusquam antea impressum collectorium totius fere medicine Bertrucij Bononiensis.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum Lugd. per Claudium dauost alias de troys. Impensis Bartholomei trote. Anno M.cccccix. tertio kal. Nouembris [1509].4°: AA⁴ a–z A–H⁸ I⁶.Printed in Lyon by Claude Davost for Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 544.f.17. 1509[Liturgies. Missals. Würzburg.]Missale secundum vsum ecclesie Herbipolensis.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum expensis Georgij monerij Herbipolen. [and B. Trot in Lyon?; pr. in Lyon by J. Sacon?]. Anno .M. quingentesimo nono [1509].✠ a–i¹⁰ k⁴ l² m–n¹⁰ o¹² p¹⁰; A–R¹⁰ S²°..Probably printed in Lyon with the typographical material of Jacques Sacon for Georg Moner in Würzburg.
[View full record] C.36.l.9. 25 June 1510Quintilian.[Oratoriae institutiones.]Quintilianus.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum [pr. by B. Trot] fuit hoc opus. Anno M.CCCCCX. septimo Kalen. Iulij [1510].8°: a–z & aa–yy⁸ zz¹⁰.Printed in Lyon with typographical material associated with Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record]
11824.b.10.24 July 1510Justinus, Marcus Junianus.Iustini historia ex Trogo ...[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum fuit [pr. by B. Trot?] Anno .M.CCCCC. decimo. Nono Kalen. Augusti, 1510.8°: a–z & A–G⁸.Printed in Lyon with typographical material associated with Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 301.a.7. 1510Sallust, 86 B.C.-34 B.C.C. Crispi Sallustii De coniuratione Catilinae. Eiusdem De bello Iugurthino.[Lyon]: [pr. for B. Trot?], [1510?].8°: a–s⁸ t⁴.Printed in Lyon with typographical material associated with Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 803.c.22. 1510Virgil.[Opera Vergiliana] .[Lyon]: [pr. for B. Trot?], [c. 1510?].8°:Printed in Lyon with typographical material associated with Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] C.135.b.2(endpapers) (four leaves, signed ‘G’ and ‘Giii’) 2 September 1511Xenophon.Xenophon. In hoc volumine continentur infrascripta opera Xenophontis.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Explicit feliciter. Anno .M.CCCCC.XI Die uero .ij. Mensis Septembris. Expensis Bartholomei trot, 1511.8°: A–Y AA–EE⁸ FF⁴.Printed in Lyon with typographical material associated with Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 802.d.25. 20 February 1512Horace.Q. Horatij Flacci poemata.[Lyon]: [pr. by B. Trot?] [Colophon:], Exactum Anno milesimo quingentesimo undecimo. Die .XXVI. Februarij [1511 (1512 n.s.?)].8°: 1–2 a–u⁸ x⁴.Printed in Lyon with typographical material associated with Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 11385.b.1. 29 March 1512Dioscorides Pedanius, of Anazarbos.Index librorum in presenti volumine contentorum. Dyoscoridis ... virtutum simplicium medicinarum liber. ...[Lyon]: [Colophon:] impressus Lugduni per Gilbertum de villiers expensis Bartholomei trot. Anno .M.ccccc.xij. die vero .xxix. mensis Martij [1512].4°: A–B a–o⁸ p¹².Printed in Lyon by Gilbert de Villiers for Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 546.i.21. 10 June 1512Martial.[Epigrammata.]Martialis.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Anno domini .M. quingentesimo .XII. mense Iunii die, X. [pr. for B. Trot], 1512.8°: A–Z &⁸.Printed in Lyon with typographical material associated with Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 11385.b.30. 1512Juvenalis, Decimus Junius.[Satirae.]Iuuenalis. Persius.[Lyon]: [pr. for B. Trot], [1512?].8°: A–G⁸ H¹⁰; a⁸ b⁴.Printed in Lyon with typographical material associated with Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 682.a.14. 1512Lucan, 39-65.[Pharsalia.]Lucanus.[Lyon]: [pr. for B. Trot?], [1512?].8°: a–r⁸ s⁴.Printed in Lyon with typographical material associated with Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 1068.h.17.
684.b.5.1512Cicero, Marcus Tullius.Rhetorica Tullii.[Lyon]: [pr. by B. Trot], [1512?].8°: A⁴ a–s⁸.Printed in Lyon with typographical material associated with Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 832.a.22. 1512Gellius, Aulus.Auli Gellii viri disertissimi Noctium Atticarum libri .XX.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressas rursum ad exemplar Beroaldinae recognitionis impensis Bartholomei Trot. Anno M.D.XII [1512].8°: A¹⁰ A–Z AA–MM⁸ NN¹⁰.Printed in Lyon with typographical material associated with Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 1067.d.8. 4 April 1513Plautus, Titus Maccius.M. Plauti Sarsinatis Comoedie .xx.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Finis Comoediarum impressarum [pr. by B. Trot], Anno decimo tertio supra mille & quingentos pridie nonas apriles [1513].8°: A–Z AA–TT⁸.Printed in Lyon with typographical material associated with Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 237.a.35.
G.9618.January 1514Silius Italicus, Tiberius Catius.Silii Italici Opus de secundo bello Punico.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum Lugduni [pr. by J. Myt] expensis Bartolomei Troth. M.D.XIIII. Anno salutis: mense Ianuario. regnante diuo Ludouico .xij. huius nominis rege Francorum [1514].8°: a–z AA⁸ BB⁴.Printed in Lyon for Barthélemy Trot with the typographical material of Jacques Myt.
[View full record] G.9825. February 1514Pontano, Giovanni Gioviano, 1429-1503.Opera Ioannis Iouiani Pontani.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum Lugduni [pr. by J. Myt] expensis Bartholomei Troth, .M.D.XIIII. anno salutis: mense Februario. regnante diuo Ludouico .xij. huius nomine rege Francorum [1514].8°: a–z aa–xx⁸ yy⁴.Printed in Lyon for Barthélemy Trot with the typographical material of Jacques Myt.
[View full record] 1334.c.3. 28 November 1514Avicenna, 980-1037.Flores Auicennae collecti super quinque Canonibus ... in medicina ...[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum fuit Lugd. per Gilbertum de villiers. Impensis Bartholomei Trot. Anno Millesimo quingentesimo decimoquarto. Die .xxviij. Nouembris [1514].8°: π² a–z & ʔ ꝝ⁸.Printed in Lyon by Gilbert de Villiers for Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 544.b.4. 30 June 1515Juvenalis, Decimus Junius.Iuuenalis. Persius.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum impensis Bartholomei trot [pr. by J. Myt], anno millesimo quingentesimo decimo quinto vltimo die mensis Iunij [1515].8°: A–G⁸ H¹⁰ I⁸ (I8 blank).Printed in Lyon for Barthélemy Trot with the typographical material of Jacques Myt.
[View full record] 11385.b.24. December 1515Israeli, Isaac, approximately 832-approximately 932.Omnia opera ysaac.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Curauit ea imprimi Bartholomeus trot bibliopola Lugdunen. Anno .xv. supra .M. mense decembri: in lugdunen. emporio in officina Iohannis de platea calcographi, [1515].2°: a–z & ʔ ꝝ A⁸ B¹⁰; ²A–Z AA–BB⁸ C¹⁰; ²a¹⁰ 3A⁶.Printed in Lyon by Jean de La Place for Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 543.h.1. 20 December 1516Gazio, Antonio, 1449-1528.Florida corona ... ab Anthonio Gazio ... composita.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum in preclaro Lugd. emporio: in officina Simonis beuelaqua Impensis Bartholomei trot. Anno .M.ccccc. decimosexto. Absolutum fuit mense Decembri. Die .xx. [1516].4°: A⁶ a–p⁸.Printed in Lyon by Simon Bevilaqua for Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 1501/183. 6 February 1517Mayno de’ Mayneri, -1368.Regimen sanitatis Magnini mediolanensis.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum Lugduni per Iacobum Myt [for B. Trot]. Anno Millesimo quingentesimo decimoseptimo. Die vero sexta mensis Februarij [1517].4°: a–n⁸.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Myt for Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 1038.l.42. 26 February 1517Regimen sanitatis Salerni.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum Lugduni per Iacobum myt expensis Bartholomei trot:, Anno Millesimo quingentesimo decimosexto die vigesimasexta februarij [1516 (1517 n.s.?)].4°: a–f⁸.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Myt for Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 7321.c.16. August 1518Horace.Q. Horatij Flacci poemata.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Excusa Lugduni [pr. by J.Myt?] Sumptibus Bartholomei trot. M.D.XVIII. Mense Augusto [1518].8°: a–c ²a–t⁸ u⁴.Printed in Lyon for Barthélemy Trot with typographical material associated with Jacques Myt.
[View full record] 11385.b.3 (lacks first 3 gatherings?) 22 September 1518Catullus, Caius Valerius.Catullus. Tibullus. Propertius.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum Lugduni sumptu honesti Bibliopolae Bartholomei Trot [pr. by J. Myt], Anno Millesimo quingentesimo .XVIII. die .xxij. Mensis Septembris [1518].8°: a–t⁸.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Myt for Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 1000.b.20. 26 October 1518Martial.Marci Valerij Martialis Epigramm. lib. xiiij. adnotationes aliquot adiectae.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Lugduni excusi in aedibus Iacobi Myt, sumptu Bartholomei Trot. Anno millesimo quingentesimo duodeuigesimo. XXVI. die mensis octobris [1518].8°: a–z⁸.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Myt for Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 11385.b.31 (title page washed) 1520ʻabd al-ʻAzīz Ibn ʻUthmān, -967.Alkabitius Astronomie indicarie principia.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] In inclyta vrbe Lugd. Opera .M. Guilhelmi Huyon calcographi. Impensis Bartolomei trot, [1520 or later].4°: a–k⁸.Printed in Lyon by Guillaume Huyon for Barthélemy Trot.
[View full record] 718.g.7.
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