Bible. N.T. Epistles. Latin. 1517. 2°. Paris: Pierre Vidoue, for Jean de La Porte and François Regnault.
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[Bible. N.T. Epistles. Latin.]
Epistole diui Pauli apostoli: cum commentariis ... Iacobi Fabri stapulensis.
[Paris]: Venundantur in edibus Francisci Regnault et Ioannis de la Porte. [Colophon:] Impressum vero parisiis [pr. by N. Des Prez and P. Vidoue] impensis Francisci Reginaldi: et Ioannis de Porta. Anno Milesimo quingentesimo decimo septimo [1517].
2°: ã ẽ⁸ ĩ⁴; a–z A–C⁸; D⁶.
Printed in Paris for François Regnault and Jean de La Porte, the printing shared by Nicolas Des Prez and Pierre Vidoue.
The final gathering and the three preliminary gatherings are printed with the typographical material of P. Vidoue; sigs a–z and A–C are printed with the typographical material of N. Des Prez (IS002036).
Signature pattern: ‘$’ and ‘$j’ – ‘$v and ‘$iiij’.
Initials: 35; 45.
Devices: Renouard 572 (J. de La Porte).
Illustrations: compartment of N. Des Prez (Renouard 233).
Adams B1839.
Inventaire chronologique 1517, no. 1540.
[IS000723] | 1355.k.8(1). |