Unidentified presses, Paris
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Unidentified presses, Paris
Printer in Paris, 1501–1520
1505Cleofilo, Francesco Ottavio, 1447-1490.Octauii Cleophili Phanensis Libellus de coetu poetarum: ab Ascensio mendis plusculis tersus.[Paris]: Venales reperiuntur apud collegium remense ad insigne diui stephani in domo iohannis nicolle [pr. by an unidentified Parisian printer], [c. 1505?].4°: A–B⁶ C⁴.Printed in Paris by an unidentified printer for Jean Nicolle.
[View full record] 837.g.42. 1509Larmee du roy quil auoit contre les veniciens: et lordre des batailles. Mil. ccccc. & ix.[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprime a paris par Martin alexandre, [1509].4°: A⁴.Printed in Paris for Martin Alexandre with the material of an unidentified printer.
[View full record] 596.e.33. 1510La vie madame saincte Marguerite vierge et martyre, auec son oraison.[Paris]: [pr. by an unidentified printer], [c. 1510?].8°: A⁸ B⁴.Probably printed in Paris, with the material of an unidentified printer.
[View full record] C.107.a.12(11). 1510Berosus, the Chaldean.Berosus babylonicus. De his quae praecesserunt inundationem terrarum.[Paris]: [unidentified printer, for the brothers Marnef], [c. 1510?].4°: ₵⁴ a–c⁸ d⁶.Printed in Paris by an unidentified printer for the Marnef brothers.
[View full record] 804.a.39. 1519Concordata inter ... papam Leonem decimum & ... regem Franciscum ... primum.[Paris]: Impressum Parisijs pro Magistro Durando Gerlier bibliopola [printer not identified], [1519?].8°: A–D⁸ E⁴.Printed in Paris by an unidentified Parisian printer, for Durand Gerlier.
[View full record] C.55.c.10. 1520[Missus est Gabriel ad Mariam. French.]Cy ensuyt loraison de Missus nouuellement translatee en francoys selon le latin Auec loraison de nostre dame de recouurance.[Paris]: [unidentified printer], [c. 1520?].8°: A⁸.Probably printed in Paris, with the typographical material of an unidentified printer.
[View full record] C.107.a.12(8). 1520La vie madame saincte Marguerite.[Paris?]: [unidentified printer], [c. 1520 or later].8°: ₵⁸.Probably printed in Paris with the material of an unidentified printer.
[View full record] C.46.d.19(2). 1520Simon de Milan.Plusieurs nouueaultez Iouyeuses profitables & honnestez.[Paris?]: [pr. by an unidentified printer], [1520 or later].8°: A⁴.Probably printed in Paris by an unidentified printer.
[View full record] C.31.b.34(1). 1520Demandes Ioyeuses dung Amant a sa Dame en maniere de reproche ou vilennie.[Paris]: [unidentified printer], [1520 or later].8°: A⁴.Probably printed in Paris with the typographical material of an unidentified printer.
[View full record] C.22.a.17.
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