Romain Morin
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Romain Morin
Printer in Lyon, 1515–1543
Imprimeur, libraire
Baudrier states that Morin is recorded as a printer only in 1519 which is the date when his surviving published output starts. The listing of his types given here is inferred from Isaac’s notes, as the only book printed by Morin in the collection was destroyed by enemy action during the war.
- Addresses
- References
- Baudrier, v, 357–77; S. Von Gültlingen, t. iii (BBA 147), 232–36.
- Devices
- Baudrier
- Types
Name | Size | Dates | Notes |
T | 118 | 1519 | |
Rot96 | 53 | 1519 | |
Rot94 | 56 | 1519 |
- Initials
Size | Dates |
- Signatures
- Catchwords
The following books were printed by Romain Morin in Lyon
2 July 1519Goffredo, da Trani, -1245.Summa perutilis & valde necessaria ... Goffredi de Trano super titulis decretalium.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Ioannes moylin alias de cambray in inclita ciuitatis Lugduni Impensis Romani Morin, Anno .1519. die secunda mensis Iulij.8°: a–z & ʔ ꝝ A–F⁸ G¹⁰.
[View full record] 1608/940. 3 February 1519 [1520 n.s.]Bartholomaeus, de Pisa.Sermones lucidissimi & insignes dubiorum & casuum conscientialium ... super euangeliis quadragesimalibus: ... fratris Bartholomei de Pisis ...[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressi Lugduni opera & industria Romani morini calcographi & bibliopola. Anno millesimo quingentesimo. xix. die vero .iij. mensis Februarij [1519 (1520 n.s.?)].8°:Printed in Lyon by Romain Morin.
[View full record] (destroyed) 30 March 1520Zacchia, Laudivio, approximately 1435-.Epistole Thurci per Laudiuium hierosolimitanum equitem aggregate.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impresse Lugduni per Ioannem Marion: sumptibus & expensis Romani Morin. Anno .M.D.XX. Die vero .xxx. martii [1520].4°: a–e⁴.Printed in Lyon by Jean Marion for Romain Morin.
[View full record] C.97.b.10 (gathering d wrongly folded) 1520Dares, Phrygius.Dares Frigius de bello troiano.[Lyon]: [pr. by J. Marion, for R. Morin], [c. 1520?].4°: A–D⁴.Printed in Lyon with the typographical material of Jean Marion for Romain Morin.
[View full record] 832.f.43(3). 10 March 1520 (1521 n.s.)Dictys, Cretensis.Dictys Cretensis de bello troiano.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum Lugduni per Ioannem Marion. Sumptibus & expensis Romani Morin. Anno M.ccccc. xx. x. Martii [1520 (1521 n.s.?)].4°: a–i⁴ k⁶.Printed in Lyon by Jean Marion for Romain Morin.
[View full record] 832.f.43(1). 28 March 1520 [1521 n.s.]Albertini, Francesco, active 1493-1510.Mirabilia Rome. Opusculum de mirabilibus noue et veteris vrbis Rome editum a Francisco Albertino Florentino.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum Lugd. per Ioan. marion sumptibus & expensis Romani morin, anno .M.D.xx. die vero .xxviii. martii [1520 (1521 n.s.?)].4°: A–P⁴.Printed in Lyon by Jean Marion for Romain Morin.
[View full record] 574.h.1(1).
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