Philippe Pigouchet
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Philippe Pigouchet
Printer in Paris, 1488-1515
Imprimeur, libraire-juré.
Specialised in printing books of Hours, especially for Simon Vostre.
A group of Hours and other liturgical books printed for Antoine Verard which Isaac listed under Baligault have been re-assigned to Pigouchet; the types match those used by Baligault in the fifteenth century but their use continues after Baligault ceased working in c. 1503 (died 1506). It is possible that the type for these books belonged to Verard as publisher (see the separate entry given to Verard in BMC viii).
David Cranston is recorded as acting as a press corrector in 1509.
Succeeded as libraire-juré by his son-in-law Pierre Attaignant.
- Addresses
- rue de la Harpe.
- References
- Renouard, Répertoire, 346-7.
- Claudin, ii, 13ff.
- Coyecque, t. I and II.
- BMC viii, 111-123.
- BnF Data: Philippe Pigouchet (14..-1518?)
- Devices
- Renouard 919 (Polain 152).
- Types
Name | Size | Dates | Notes |
Pigouchet seems not to have used roman type at all. | |||
T30 | 58? | 1510? | |
T17 | 111 | 1512 | |
T14 | 125 | 1489-1502? | BMC’s 130G |
T11 | 145 | 1512 | |
T8 | 190 | 1511 | |
T6 | 230 | 1512 | |
Rot94 | 55 | 1498-1511 | BMC’s 55G |
Rot69 | 65 | 1498-1502 | BMC’s 65G2. |
Rot81 | 65 | 1512-1513 | |
Rot55 | 76 | 1496-1512 | BMC’s 76G |
Rot40 | 93 | 1498-1512 | BMC’s 93G |
Rot31 | 110 | 1507 | |
Rot3 | 180 | 1509 | BMC’s 180G (undated) |
B11 | 81 | 1492-[1511] | |
B7 | 98 | 1491-[1512] |
- Lombards
Size | Dates |
5 mm | 1499-1507 |
7 mm | 1507-1512 |
- Initials
Size | Dates |
12x | 1507-1510 |
15x | 1507-1510 |
28x | 1507-1510 |
- Signatures
- no consistent pattern; often signs Hours ‘$i’ and ‘$iii’ for 4° in eights.
- Catchwords
- none.
13 October 1501Sermones dormi secure .[Paris]: [Colophon 1:] Impressi Parrhisiis per Philippum pigouchet: vna cum expensis Iacobi huguetan: et Francisci Regnault. Anno millesimo quingentesimo primo. die vero .xiij. Octobris. [Colophon 2:] Venales reperiuntur in vico sancti Iacobi ad intersignium Beate marie virginis prope ecclesiam diui benedicti [address of J. Huguetan], [1501].8°: a–z & ʔ ꝝ A–D⁸.
[View full record] 846.k.2. 20 October 1501[Liturgies. Hours. Salisbury.]Hore presentes ad vsum Sarum .[Paris]: Impresse fuerunt Parisius per Philippum pigouchet, Anno .M.v.c. primo. die vero .xx. Octobris pro Symone vostre [1501].4°: a–o⁸ p¹⁰.Printed in Paris by Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre.
[View full record] C.29.h.12 (on vellum) 1501Christine, de Pisan, approximately 1364-approximately 1431.Les cent histoires de troye. ...[Paris]: Nouuellement imprimee a Paris [pr. by P. Pigouchet], [c. 1501].4°: a–e⁸ f–g⁶.Printed in Paris with the device and typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet.
[View full record] G.11320 (IB.40379). 30 April 1502France. Separate laws. Charles VII.Pragmatica sanctio cum repertorio nouiter egregie desuper compilato.[Paris]: [Colophon 1:] Impressaque Parisius per Philippum pigouchet Anno M.ccccc ij. die vero vltima Aprilis [Colophon 2:] Venduntur [sic] Parisius in vico cythare penes Philippum Pigouchet: vbi fuere impressi, [1502].8°: a–z &⁸ ʔ⁸ A–D⁸.Printed in Paris by Philippe Pigouchet.
[View full record] 706.f.48.
4 June 1502Bernard, of Clairvaux, Saint, 1090 or 1091-1153.[Ad sororem modus bene vivendi.]Diui bernardi abbatis ad sororem modus bene viuendi.[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum Parisius [pr. by P. Pigouchet?] sumptibus Dionysij rosse. Anno millesimo quingentesimo secundo: secundo Nonas Iunij [1502].8°: a–l⁸.Printed in Paris for Denis Roce, probably with the typographical materials and characteristics of Philippe Pigouchet.
[View full record] 1360.a.13(1). 1502[Liturgies. Hours. Angers.]Ces presentes heures a lusaige Dangiers sont au long sans requerir.[Paris]: [Colophon:] ont este faictes par Philippe pigouchet Libraire iure de luniversite de Paris pour Simon vostre, [1502?].8°: a–c⁸ d⁴ e–s⁸.Printed in Paris by Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre.
[View full record] C.29.g.4 (on vellum) 1502[Liturgies. Hours. Reims.]Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Reins [sic].[Paris]: ont este faictes pour Symon Vostre [pr. by P. Pigouchet], [1502?].8°: a–l⁸ m⁴.Printed in Paris for Simon Vostre with the device and typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet.
[View full record] C.35.c.5. 1502[Liturgies. Hours. Rome.]Hore beate marie virginis secundum vsum Romanum absque requisitione aliqua cum pluribus orationibus in gallico et latino.[Paris]: [Colophon:] per Philippum pigouchet impensis autem Symonis vostre librarii, [1502?].8°: a–c⁸ d⁴ e–s⁸.Printed in Paris by Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre.
[View full record] C.47.d.28. 1502[Liturgies. Hours. Rome.]Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Romme.[Paris]: ont este faictes pour Simon vostre: Libraire demourant a Paris [pr. by P. Pigouchet], [1502?].8°: a–l⁸ m⁴.Printed in Paris with the device and typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre.
[View full record] C.27.f.14 (on vellum) 1502Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D.[Heroides. French.]Les xxi epistres douide translatees de latin en francoys par ... leuesque dangoulesme.[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprime a Paris pour Anthoine verard, [c. 1502].8°: a–q⁸.Printed in Paris, possibly printed with the material of Philippe Pigouchet, or possibly with material belonging to Antoine Verard.
[View full record] 237.b.2 (lacks e2) 20 April 1503[Liturgies. Hours. Rome.][Hore intemerate Virginis Marie secundum vsum Romanum] .[Paris]: [pr. by P. Pigouchet? for A. Verard?]. [Colophon:] Ces presentes heures a lusage de [space] furent acheuees, le .xx. iour dauril. Lan mil cinq cens et trois [1503].8°: a⁸ b¹⁰ a–i⁸ k⁴ A–D⁸.Printed in Paris for Antoine Verard with the typographical material of Antoine Verard as used by Philippe Pigouchet.
[View full record] C.41.b.2 (vellum) 1503Gesta romanorum cum applicationibus moralisatis ac misticis .[Paris]: [Colophon:] Ex parisius [pr. by P. Pigouchet, for J. Petit], Anno .M.ccccc.iij [1503].8°: a–h I k–l M–P q–y⁸ z⁴ [z4 blank?].Printed in Paris with the device and typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Jean Petit.
[View full record] 1456.a.3. 1505Bonaventure, Saint, Cardinal, approximately 1217-1274.Oratio sancti bonauenture ad deum patrem oblationem pro peccatis offerendo.[Paris]: [pr. by P. Pigouchet?], [c.1505].8°: a⁴ (a4 blank).Printed in Paris: printer uncertain: attributed to Philippe Pigouchet c. 1505 by Isaac.
[View full record] C.51.aa.6(5). 1505[Liturgies. Hours. Rome.]Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Romme au long sans require [sic].[Paris]: [pr. by P. Pigouchet? for S. Vostre], [c. 1505].8°: a–q⁸ r⁴.Printed in Paris, probably with the typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre (device).
[View full record] C.29.h.18 (Imperfect according to Fr. STC) 1505[Liturgies. Hours. Salisbury.]Hore intemerate diue virginis secundum vsum. Sarum.[Paris]: [colophon:] Pro anthonio verard [pr. by P. Pigouchet], [c. 1505?].4°: a–x⁸.Printed in Paris with material attributed to Philippe Pigouchet working for Antoine Verard.
[View full record] C.35.e.4 (lacks a1 and a2) 1506[Liturgies. Hours. Rome.]Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Romme au long sans require [sic].[Paris]: faictes pour Simon vostre [pr. by P. Pigouchet], [1506?].8°: a–o⁸ p⁴.Printed in Paris with the device and typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre.
[View full record] C.29.g.6 (Vellum; woodcuts overpainted) 1506[Liturgies. Hours. Rouen.]Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Rouan tout au long sans riens requerir.[Paris]: imprimees pour Symon Vostre [pr. by P. Pigouchet], [1506].8°: a b–i⁸ k⁴; ã ê î⁸.Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre.
[View full record] C.52.f.17 (lacks ã1 and ê8?) 26 April 1506 [1507 n.s.][Bible. Latin.]Biblia cum pleno apparatu summariorum concordantiarum.[Paris]: Rursus Parrhisiis a Philippo pigouchet impressa. [Colophon 1:] impressum est in inclyto Parisiorum gymnasio. per Philippum pigouchet. Impensis Iohannis parui, Anno supra Millesimum & quingentesimum sexto: sub calendas Martias [1506 (1507 n.s.)].2°: A⁸ B⁶ a–z A–T⁸ U–X⁶; AA–BB⁶ CC⁸.Printed in Paris by Philippe Pigouchet for Jean Petit.
[View full record] 689.g.3. 30 October 1507[Liturgies. Hours. Rome.]Benedictio dei patris cum angelis suis sit super me amen.[Paris]: [pr. by P. Pigouchet, for A. Verard]. [Colophon:] Ces presentes heures a lusage de [blank] furent acheuees, le. xxx. iour doctobre. Lan mil cinq cens et sept, [1507].8°: πa⁸ b¹⁰ a–i⁸ k⁴ A–D⁸.Printed in Paris by Philippe Pigouchet for Antoine Verard.
[View full record] C.29.d.19 (vellum; use entered in space in colophon in MS: ‘Sens’) 1507[Liturgies. Hours. Cambrai.]Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Cambray au long sans requerir.[Paris]: Ont este imprimees pour Symon vostre [pr. by P. Pigouchet], [1507?].8°: a–c⁸ d⁴ e–o⁸ p⁴; ã ê î ✠⁸.Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre.
[View full record] C.41.b.19 (vellum) 1507[Liturgies. Hours. Poitiers.]Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Poytiers.[Paris]: ont este faictes pour Symon vostre [pr. by P. Pigouchet], [1507?].8°: a b–h⁸ i⁴; ²a ê î⁸.Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre.
[View full record] C.52.b.12 (vellum) 1507[Liturgies. Hours. Salisbury.]Hore presentes ad vsum Sarum.[Paris]: Impresse fuerunt Parisius pro Symone vostre [pr. by P. Pigouchet], [1507?].8°: a–q⁸.Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre.
[View full record] C.41.a.20 (vellum) 1507[Liturgies. Hours. Rome.]Hore beate marie virginis secundum vsum Romanum absque requisitione aliqua cum pluribus orationibus in gallico et latino.[Paris]: [pr. by P. Pigouchet, for S. Vostre], [1507].8°: a⁸ b–c⁸ d⁴ e–p⁸ ã ê î⁸.Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre.
[View full record] C.27.e.2 (vellum) 1507[Liturgies. Hours. Rome.]Benedictio dei patris cum angelis suis sit super me amen.[Paris]: [pr. by P. Pigouchet?, for A. Verard], [c. 1507].8°: a–k⁸ l⁴ m–o⁸.Printed in Paris for Antoine Verard with the typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet .
[View full record] C.29.d.19 (vellum) 10 November 1508[Liturgies. Hours. Rome.]Les heures nostre dame a lusaige de Romme sans requerir.[Paris]: [pr. by P. Pigouchet]. [Colophon:] acheuees, le .x. iour de nouembre Mil cinq cens et huyt pour Anthoine verard [1508].8°: a⁸ b⁴ ²b–c⁸ d⁶ e⁴ f–g⁸ i⁴; aa–dd⁸.Printed in Paris for Antoine Verard with the typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet.
[View full record] C.29.f.16 (vellum) 1508[Liturgies. Hours. Chartres.]Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Chartres sont au long sans riens requerir: auec les miracles nostre dame, & les figures de lapocalipse & de la bible, & des triumphes de Cesar.[Paris]: [pr. by P. Pigouchet, for S. Vostre], [1508?].4°: a–b⁸ c⁴ d–k⁸ l⁴; ã ê î⁸ õ⁶.Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre.
[View full record] C.27.i.8 (vellum) 1508[Liturgies. Hours. Paris.]Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Paris sont au long sans riens requerir: auec les miracles nostre dame, & les figures de lapocalipse, & de lantique, & des triumphes de Cesar.[Paris]: [pr. by P. Pigouchet, for S. Vostre], [1508].4°: a–b⁸ c⁴ d–i⁸ k⁶, ã⁸ ê⁸.Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre.
[View full record] C.41.e.7 (vellum) 1508[Liturgies. Hours. Rouen.]Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Rouan au long sans requerir: auec les miracles nostre dame et les figures de lapocalipse & de la bible & des triumphes de Cesar.[Paris]: imprimees pour Symon vostre Libraire: demourant a Paris [pr. by P. Pigouchet], [1508].4°: a–b⁸ c⁴ d–i⁸ k⁶, ã ê⁸.Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre.
[View full record] 6.b.9 (lacks some leaves in sigs d–h) 1508[Liturgies. Hours. Rome.]Benedictio dei patris cum angelis suis sit super me amen.[Paris]: [Colophon:] imprimees nouuellement Pour Anthoine verard [pr. by P. Pigouchet?], [c. 1508].4°: a⁸ b⁴ ²b–d⁸ e⁴ f–h⁸ i⁴; aa–ll⁸ mm⁴.Printed in Paris for Antoine Verard with Verard’s typographical material as used by Philippe Pigouchet.
[View full record] C.29.i.14 (vellum) 29 June 1509Major, John, 1469-1550.[In quartum Sententiarum.]Quartus sententiarum Ioannis Maioris.[Paris]: Venundantur parrhisiis a Iohanne granion [and P. Le Preux]. [Colophon:] Impressum Parrhisiis per me Philippum Pigouchet:, Anno millesimo quingentesimo nono: die penultima mensis Iunij [1509].2°: ✠⁴ a–z & A–M⁶ N⁸, aa–bb⁶ cc⁸ (leaf ✠4 blank).
[View full record] 3913.h.3(2). 1509Gesta romanorum cum applicationibus moralisatis ac misticis.[Paris]: [Colophon:] Et peris[ius] [sic] [pr. by P. Pigouchet?, for J. Frellon], Anno .M.ccccc. ix [1509].8°: A–X⁸ y⁴.Printed in Paris (‘Peris.’) for Jean Frellon, possibly printed by Philippe Pigouchet.Pigouchet often signs octavos on the first recto only.
[View full record] 12430.a.22 (lacks L1.8, and y4 (blank?)) 5 June 1510[Dialogus creaturarum. French.]Dialogus creaturarum optime moralizatus ... rursus & maiori quidem studio impressus.Parrhisius: impendio Iohannis parui: industria vero Philippi pigoucheti: optatum sortitus est finem, ad Nonas iunias. Anno millesimo quingentesimodecimo [1510].8°: A–I⁸ (I8 blank?).Printed in Paris by Philippe Pigouchet for Jean Petit.
[View full record] 3670.a.39(2) (lacks I8) 21 July 1510[Liturgies. Hours. Paris.]Benedictio dei patris cum angelis suis sit super me amen.[Paris]: [pr. by P. Pigouchet?, for A. Verard], acheuees le .xxi. iour de iuillet. Lan mil cinq cens et dix [1510].8°: πa⁸ b¹⁰ a–k A–D⁸.Printed in Paris for Antoine Verard with the typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet.
[View full record] C.41.a.4 (vellum) 31 October 1510Sánchez de Arévalo, Rodrigo, 1404-1470.Speculum vite humane ... Auctor ... Rodericus episcopus Zamorensis.[Paris]: [Colophon:] Philippus pigouchetus impressit impensis Iohannis parui in alma Parrhisiorum academia:, Anno Millesimo quingentesimo decimo pridie kalendas Nouembris [1513].8°: A–B a–p⁸.Printed in Paris by Philippe Pigouchet for Jean Petit.
[View full record] C.66.a.29(2). 1510[Liturgies. Hours. Châlons-sur-Marne.]Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Chaalons au long sans requerir.[Paris]: faictes pour Gauche preta libraire: demourant a Chaalons [pr. by P. Pigouchet], [c. 1510].8°: a–q⁸.Printed in Paris with the device and typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Gauché Preta (Châlons-sur-Marne).
[View full record] C.24.a.6 (vellum) 1510[Liturgies. Hours. Angers.]Ces presentes heures a lusaige Dangiers sont au long sans requerir.[Paris]: [pr. by P. Pigouchet, for S. Vostre], [c. 1510].8°: a⁸ b–c⁸ d⁴ e–o⁸, ã ê î⁸.Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre (device).
[View full record] C.29.g.1. 1510[Liturgies. Hours. Orléans.]Ces presentes heures a lusaige Dorleans au long sans riens requerir auec les miracles nostre dame, et les figures de lapocalipse & des triumphes de Cesar.[Paris]: [pr. by P. Pigouchet?, for S. Vostre], [c. 1510].4°: a–b⁸ c⁴ d–k⁸, ã ê î⁸ õ⁶.Printed in Paris, possibly with the typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre.
[View full record] C.52.f.14. 1510[Liturgies. Hours. Rouen.]Ces presentes Heures a lusage de Rouen.[Paris]: Imprimees a Paris pour Iehan burges Pierres huuin & Iacques cousin [in Rouen, and for A. Verard in Paris, pr. by P. Pigouchet], [c. 1510].8°: a–r⁸ s⁴.Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Antoine Verard and for Jean de Burges, Pierre Huvin and Jacques Cousin in Rouen.
[View full record] C.29.f.21 (vellum; lacks leaves in sigs e, f and r) 23 November 1511[Liturgies. Hours. Paris.]Benedictio dei patris cum angelis suis sit super me amen.[Paris]: [pr. by P. Pigouchet], [Colophon:] acheuees Le .xxiii. iour de Nouembre. Lan mil cens et xi. Pour anthoine verard [1511].8°: πa⁸ πb¹⁰ a–k⁸ A–D⁸.Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Antoine Verard.
[View full record] C.41.b.16 (vellum) 1511[Liturgies. Hours. Langres.]Ces presentes heures.[Paris]: imprimees pour Guillaume godar [sic], libraire, demourant a Paris [pr. by P. Pigouchet], [1511].8°: A⁸ B¹⁰ a–k⁸ ²A–D⁸.Printed in Paris with the device and typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Guillaume Godard.
[View full record] C.41.b.14(1) (vellum) 1511[Liturgies. Hours. Clermont-Ferrand.]Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Cleremont au long sans requerir.[Paris]: faictes pour Iehan petit Libraire [pr. by P. Pigouchet], [c.1511?].8°: a–r⁸.Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Jean Petit.
[View full record] C.36.d.17 (vellum; lacks e2, e3, i1 and r8) 1511[Liturgies. Hours. Rome.]Hore beate marie virginis secundum vsum Romanum sine require.[Paris]: [pr. by P. Pigouchet for A. Verard], [c. 1511?].4°: ꝙ aa c–i A–B⁸ C⁴ ã⁸.Printed in Paris for Antoine Verard with typographical material attributed to Philippe Pigouchet.
[View full record] C.41.d.2 (vellum) 28 January 1512[Bible. Latin.]Biblia cum pleno apparatu summariorum concordantium.[Paris]: In florentissima Parrhisiorum vniuersitate opera ac arte Philippi pigouchet impressa Impensis Symonis vostre, Anno millesimo quingentesimo duodecimo. xxviij. kalend. Ianuarii [1512].2°: AA⁸ BB⁶ a–z & A–R⁸ S–T⁶ aa–bb⁸ cc–dd⁶.Printed in Paris by Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre.
[View full record] 3006.t.2 (lacks AA7 and dd6) 1512Le Roy, François.Le dialogue de consolation entre lame et raison. fait et compose par vng religieux de la reformation de lordre de fonteurault.[Paris]: imprime pour Symon vostre [pr. by P. Pigouchet], [c. 1512].8°: a–t⁸ (t8 blank).Printed In Paris with the typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre.
[View full record] C.107.c.5. 1513La destruction de la cite de Iherusalem et des iuifz.[Paris]: [pr. by P. Pigouchet? for G. Godard], [c. 1511?].8°: A⁸.Printed in Paris for Guillaume Godard, possibly with the typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet.
[View full record] C.41.b.14(2) (vellum) 1513[Liturgies. Hours. Amiens.]Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Amiens au long sans requerir auec les figures de lapocalipse.[Paris]: Faictes a Paris pour Simon vostre [pr. by P. Pigouchet?], [c.1513].8°: a b–o⁸ ã ê î⁸.Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre.
[View full record] C.29.g.3 (vellum) 1513[Liturgies. Hours. Dominicans.]Hore beate marie virginis ad vsum fratrum predicatorum.[Paris]: nouiter impresse: impensis Symonis Vostre bibliopole [pr. by P. Pigouchet?], [c.1513].8°: a–p⁸.Printed in Paris for Simon Vostre, possibly printed by Philippe Pigouchet, though 81Rot is not recorded in his other books catalogued here.
[View full record] C.30.i.3.
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