Paul Berton

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Paul Berton
Printer in Limoges, 1519–1552

Imprimeur, in succession to Jean Berton (1495–1523).

Walsby: Près l’église Saint-Pierre-de-Queroix’ (1519–1529 & 1544); ‘Rue Fourie’ (1538)
Répertoire bibliographique des livres imprimés en France au seizième siècle, t. III (1993).
A. Claudin, Origines de l’imprimerie à Limoges (1896).
Claudin-De Ricci, Documents sur la typographie en France (1926).
Malcolm Walsby, Booksellers and Printers in Provincial France 1470–1600, Leiden, Brill (2020), no. 246, p. 117–118.
Name Size Dates Notes
T15 125 1519, 1520 used by Jean Berton in 1505 (Claudin)
Rot93 59 1519, 1520 used by Jean Berton in 1512
Rot47 88 1519, 1520 used by Jean Berton in 1500
Size Dates
16 mm 1519, 1520
20 mm 1519, 1520
56 mm 1519

The following books were printed by Paul Berton in Limoges

18 March 1519
Dati, Agostino, 1420-1478.
Augustini dathi Senensis opusculum In elegantiarum precepta.
[Limoges]: Venales habentur Lemouicis In domo Pauli Berton. e regione Diui Petri. [Colophon:] Lemouicis Impressum. in officina Pauli berton. Anno Millesimo Quingentesimo decimo octauo. Die vero .xviij. Mensis Martij [1518 (1519 n.s.)].
4°: A–N⁸ O¹⁰.
Printed in Limoges by Paul Berton for himself.
[View full record]C.66.c.10(3).
Celaya, Joannes de.
Dialectice introductiones magistri Ioannis de celaya Valentini, cum nonnullis (Magistri Ioannis ribeyro ...) additionibus ...
[Limoges]: Venales habentur Aureliacii in edibus Leonardi fardelet [pr. by P. Berton, Limoges], [c. 1520].
4°: A–E⁸ F⁴.
Printed in Limoges for Leonard Fardelet in Aurillac with the typographical material of Paul Berton.
[View full record]1134.g.36(1).

© DJS, 29/03/2021