Paris. Prévoté. Coutumes. 1513. 8°. Paris: André Bocard, for Guillaume Eustace and Jean Petit.

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Paris. Prévoté.
Les coustumes generalles de la preuoste et viconte de Paris.
[Paris]: Sont a vendre a Paris en lhotel de Jean Petit: Et au palais par Guillaume eustache [pr. by A. Bocard or T. Kerver?], [1513].
8°: A⁴ a–f⁸ g⁴.
Printed in Paris for Guillaume Eustace, probably with the typographical material of André Bocard or Thielman Kerver.
Privilege of ‘messieurs de Parlement’ dated 13 May 1513.
The state of Petit’s device confirms the date of publication as 1513.
Attributed by Isaac to Baligault (who died in 1506).
Signature pattern: ‘$’–‘$iiii’.
Catchword pattern: none.
Types: Rot3 (190mm); Rot31 (98mm); B7 (98mm); Rot40 [old Rot8] also Rot68 and Rot38 (65mm).
Initials: 14?; 20?.
Devices: Renouard 887A (J. Petit).
Inventaire chronologique 1513, no. 552.
[IS001150]C.29.b.26 (vellum; French royal library copy?)