Péronne, Claude, Compendium philosophiae naturalis. 1520. 4°. Paris: successors of Jean Marchant, for Damien Higman.

From French post-incunables
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31 October 1520
Péronne, Claude.
[Compendium philosophiae naturalis.]
Compendium Phi[losophi]ę naturalis. De Elementis & omnium rerum naturalium principijs, a Magistro Claudio Peronneo ... ęditum.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Exactum est apud Luthesiam in nostro literarum emporio Italorum [pr. by the successors of J. Marchant?]. Anno .M.ccccc. supra vigesimum pridie Kal. Nouembris sumptibus Damiani hichman, [1520].
4°: a–s⁴ A⁴ B⁶ [s4 blank?].
Printed in Paris for Damien Higman, probably printed with the typographical material of the successors of Jean Marchant.
Variously attributed to P. Vidoue (French STC), D. Higman (Isaac).
‘Cum priuilegio’ on title page; a letter (B6v) to the printers (signed ‘Claudius’, i.e. Peronneus?) gives a summary of the privilege, issued for 3 years by the Parlement (‘senatus’).
Preliminary poem by Benignus Martinus Divionensis.
Signature pattern: ‘$’–‘$iij’.
Catchword pattern: none.
Types: Rot81 (64mm); R16 (79mm; with gothic e-cedilla, -us, -rum(R), small yog); R6 (102mm; e with sloping bar, gothic A); Rcaps 9A (9R cmm).
Initials: 12; 22; 24; 28.
Devices: Renouard 449 (D. Higman).
Inventaire chronologique 1520, no. 2443.
[IS001427]536.h.28(2) (lacks s4, blank?)