Leonardus, de Utino, Sermones aurei de sanctis. 1503. 4°. Lyon: Johann Clein
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7 August 1503
Leonardus, de Utino, active 15th century.
Sermones aurei de sanctis fratris Leonardi de Vtino.
[Lyon]: [Colophon 1:] impressi Lugduni per Iohannem Cleyn. Anno .M.ccccciij. [Colophon 2:] Lugduni impressit Cleyn Ioh’es, Anno .M.ccccciij. die vij. Augusti [1503].
4°: a–z A–B⁸ C–D⁶ E¹⁰.
Printed in Lyon by Johann Clein.
The second colophon is the third line of three hexameter verses.
Signature pattern: ‘$’–‘$iiij’.
Catchword pattern: none.
Initials: spaces and guide letters.
Devices: Baudrier, xii, 266 (J. Clein, device A).
Adams L486.
Baudrier, xii, 275.
von Gültlingen, i, Clein, no. 8.
[IS001702] | 845.i.20. IA.41919(2). |