Lefèvre d'Étaples, Jacques, Introductio in libros arithmeticos Boethii. 1503. 2°. Paris: Henri Wolfgang and Estienne Hopyl
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27 June 1503
Lefèvre d’Étaples, Jacques, -1536.
[Introductio in libros arithmeticos Boethii.]
In hoc libro contenta Epitome compendiosaque introductio in libros arithmeticos diui Seuerini Boetii.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] impresserunt Volphgangus hopilius et Henricus stephanus socii in almo parisiorum studio, Anno 1503. Die vicesimaseptima Iunij [1503].
2°: a–f⁸; g–o⁸.
Printed in Paris by Wolfgang Hopyl and Henri Estienne.
Sheets g–o from the 1503 edition, reissued in 1510 with sheets a–f of the 1510 reprint (IS001290).
The errata list on o8r refers to both parts of the book.
Signature pattern: ‘$’ and ‘$.j.’ – ‘$iiii’ or ‘$iiij’ or ‘$iiij.’.
Catchword pattern: none.
Initials: none.
Illustrations: woodcut 193×120 mm, seated figure (‘Studiosus palaestrites’).
Adams F18 and 19.
Inventaire chronologique 1503, no. 86 (part 2).
Inventaire chronologique 1510, no. 140 (part 1).
Schreiber, Estiennes, no. 1.
[IS001214] | RB.23.b.60(2). RB.23.b.61(2) (lacks n⁸, o⁸) |