Jean de Vingle
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Jean de Vingle
Printer in Lyon, 1493–1512
Imprimeur, libraire
- Addresses
- References
- Baudrier, xi, xii;
- S. Von Gültlingen, t. i (BBA 135), 53–
- BnF Data: Jean de Vingle
- Devices
Name | Dates | Notes |
Polain 77 | 1495–1501 | Baudrier xii, 193 |
- Types
Name | Size | Dates | Notes |
T12 | 140 | 1497–1505 | |
Rot94 | 55 | 1511–1512 | |
Rot96 | 58 | 1506 | |
Rot67A | 65 | 1501, 1508/9 | |
Rot66 | 66 | 1505, 1511–1512 | |
Rot54 | 82 | 1501–1511 | |
Rot40 | 92 | 1509 | |
Rot31? | 104 | 1511-1512 | |
Rot25 | 110 | 1508/9, 1512 | |
Rot9 | 170 | 1511–1512 |
- Initials
Size | Dates |
10mm | 1509 |
13mm | 1505–1512 |
17mm | 1508/9 |
19mm | 1501, 1505–1512 |
20mm | 1505 |
22mm | 1509–1511 |
26mm | 1501, 1505–1505 |
30mm | 1505, 1508/9–1512 |
36mm | 1508/9 |
- Signatures
- ‘$’–‘$iiij’; also ‘$i’ and ‘$j’ (1509)
- Catchwords
- None
The following books were printed by Jean de Vingle in Lyon
23 February 1500 [1501 n.s.]Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D.P. Ouidij Nasonis Heroidum Epistole ...[Lyon]: [Colophon 1:] impressatum [sic] Lugduni Anno M.ccccc. vij kal. Martij. Impensis Stephani Guaynardi. Opera Iohannis de Vingle Impressoris. [Colophon 2:] impensis Stephani Guaynardi. Opera Iohannis de Vingle. Anno M.ccccc. iij. Nonas Aprilis [1500 (1501 n.s.)].4°: A⁶ A–X⁸ Y⁶.Printed in Lyon by Jean de Vingle for Etienne Gueynard.
[View full record] IB.42078.
IB.42079.8 November 1505Pius, II, Pope, 1405-1464.Epistole et varii tractatus Pii secundi ...[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugduni ab Stephano Gueynard. [Colophon:] Impresse Lugd. per Iohannem de vingle. Anno .M.ccccc. quinto. Die .viij. Nouembris [1505].4°: A⁶ a–z⁸ &⁴ (&4 blank?).Printed in Lyon by Jean de Vingle for Etienne Gueynard.
[View full record] 1454.k.8. 31 July 1506Persius.Publij Auli Persij familiaris explanatio Cum Iohan. Britannici ... interpretatione.[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugduni a Stephano gueynard. [Colophon:] Lugduni opera Iohannis de vingle. Anno Millesimo quingentesimo .vi. vltima Iulij [1506].8°: a–o⁸ p¹⁰ (p10 blank).Printed in Lyon by Jean de Vingle for Etienne Gueynard.
[View full record] 11385.b.36. 6 April 1508Vivaldi, Giovanni Ludovico, -1540.Opus regale.[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugduni ab Stephano gueynard. [Colophon:] Impressum Lugduni per Iohannem de vingle. Anno .M.ccccc.&.viij. Die .vj. mensis Aprilis [1508].4°: a–m⁸ n⁴ o–z A–O⁸ P⁴ Q–R AA⁸.Printed in Lyon by Jean de Vingle for Etienne Gueynard.
[View full record] C.30.k.5. 18 January 1509Turrecremata, Joannes de.Questiones spiritualis conuiuij delicias preferentes super Euangelijs.[Lyon]: Venundantur lugduni ab Stephano Gueynard. [Colophon:] Impresse lugd. per iohannem de vingle. Anno .M.ccccc.nono. die vero .xviij. mensis Ianuarij [1509].8°: ¶¹² a–z A–H⁸ I¹².Printed in Lyon by Jean de Vingle for Etienne Gueynard.
[View full record] 846.h.3. 1509Lemaire de Belges, Jean, 1473-1524?La legende des venitiens.[Lyon]: [following the privilege:] Lacteur nomme es lettres royaulx dessus escriptes. A fait imprimer ceste sienne oeuure. Par maistre Iehan de vingle, [1509].8°: A–G⁸.Printed in Lyon by Jean de Vingle for Jean Lemaire de Belges.
[View full record] C.32.a.10. 1510Guibert, de Tournai, 1200?-1284.Sermones ad omnes status.[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugduni ab Stephano gueynard [pr. by J. de Vingle], [c. 1510].8°: a–z & ʔ ꝝ A–C⁸ D⁴.Printed in Lyon for Etienne Gueynard with the typographical material of Jean de Vingle.
[View full record] 846.b.6. 1510Corvo Andrea.Excellentissimi et singularis viri in chiromantia exercitatissimi Magistri Andree corui mirandulensis.[Lyon]: [pr. by J. de Vingle?], [c. 1510].8°: a–l⁸.Printed in Lyon with the typographical material of Jean de Vingle.
[View full record] C.155.n.12(1). 11 November 1511Petrucia, Antonius de.Tractatus de viribus iuramenti per dominum Antonium de Petrutia.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressa Lugduni per Iohannem de vingle: sumptibus Iohannis de clauso et I. robioni socios [sic]. Anno .M.ccccc.xj. die xj. Nouembris [1511].8°: a⁴ b–i⁸; A⁸ B⁴.
[View full record] 228.b.43. 7 August 1512Vivaldi, Giovanni Ludovico, -1540.Opus regale.[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugduni ab Stephano gueynard. [Colophon:] Impressum Lugduni [pr. by J. de Vingle], Anno .M.ccccc.xij. Die vero .vij. mensis Augusti [1512].8°: a–z A–R⁸ S⁴ AA⁸.Printed in Lyon for Etienne Gueynard with the typographical material of Jean de Vingle.
[View full record] 848.e.2. 1512Geremia, Pietro, 1399-1452.Sermones domini petri hieremie.[Lyon]: [Colophon of Quadragesimale:] Impressum lugduñ, per Iohannem de Vingles. Impensis Simonis Vincent, [1512].8°: aaa-ggg⁸ hhh⁴; A–H⁸ i⁴; a–e⁸; HHH–KKK⁸ LLL⁴; AAA–FFF⁸.Printed in Lyon by Jean de Vingle for Simon Vincent.
[View full record] C.69.dd.5 (lacks parts 1 and 3)
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