Jacques Mareschal
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Jacques Mareschal
Printer in Lyon, 1509–1529
He usually called himself Jacques Mareschal dit (or alias) Roland.
- Addresses
- References
- Baudrier, xi, 387–431;
- S. Von Gültlingen, t. ii (BBA 141), 193–229
- BnF Data: Jacques Mareschal
- Devices
- Silvestre 136 (Baudrier xi, 408).
- Types
Name | Size | Dates | Notes |
R17 | 72 | 1519–1520 | |
R18 | 74 | 1513 | |
R12 | 83 | 1517, 1519 | |
T4 | 260 | 1519 | |
Rot98 | 40 | 1510, 1519 | |
Rot95 | 45 | 1519 | |
Rot96B | 50 | 1509–1519 | |
Rot94A | 55 | 1513–1520 | also 52mm in 1517 |
Rot90 | 59 | 1519? | |
Rot88 | 61 | 1513, 1514 | |
Rot73 | 64 | 1513 | |
Rot74 | 65 | 1509–1520 | |
Rot66 | 66 | 1513 | |
Rot59 | 77 | 1513–1517 | |
Rot49 | 82 | 1509–1520 | |
Rot41 | 93 | 1517–1520 | |
Rot35 | 97 | 1510–1520 | |
Rot42? | 100 | 1510, 1511 | or possibly Rot34 |
Rot16 | 130 | 1517, 1519 | |
Rot10 | 150 | 1510–1517 | |
Rot11 | 165 | 1512–1520 | |
Gk8 | 1517 |
- Initials
Size | Dates |
11 | 1517–1519 |
14 | 1509–1520 |
17 | 1511–1520 |
23 | 1509–1520 |
27 | 1514–1519 |
32 | 1517–1520 |
35 | 1510 |
38 | 1518–1520 |
45 | 1518–1519 |
- Signatures
- ‘$’–‘$iiij’.
- Catchwords
- None (1509–1520); leaf (1510, 1512, 1518); quire (1512, 1520); column (1520).
The following books were printed by Jacques Mareschal in Lyon
12 July 1509Mandagot, Guillaume de, -1321.Tractatus vtilis et perquam necessarius de electione: ... guillelmi mandagoti cardinalis: vna cum additionibus ... Nicolai boerij.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressa. [pr. by J. Mareschal?, for S. Vincent], Anno salutis. M.ccccc.ix. Die. xij Iulij [1509].8°: a–m⁸ n⁴; A⁸.Printed in Lyon for Simon Vincent with the typographical material of Jacques Mareschal.
[View full record] C.66.a.29(1). 13 October 1509Vincent Ferrer, Saint, approximately 1350-1419.Sermones de tempore.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum [pr. by J. Mareschal, for S. Vincent], M. quingentesimo nono die xiij. octobris [1509].8°: A–Z AA–II⁸ KK¹⁰; [c~] AAA–XXX⁸ YYY⁴.Printed in Lyon for Simon Vincent with the typographical material of Jacques Mareschal.
[View full record] C.132.h.24 (lacks title page) 25 October 1509Bourges. Coutumes.Consuetudines inclite ciuitatis & septene Biturigum per ... Nicolaum boerij.[Lyon?]: [Colophon:] impresse [pr. by J. Mareschal?, for the Marnef brothers in Bourges?]. Anno .M.CCCCC.ix. die vero xxv mensis octobris [1509].8°: a–t⁸ v⁴.Possibly printed in Lyon with the typographical material of Jacques Mareschal for the Marnef brothers in Bourges.
[View full record] C.182.b.9. 18 April 1510Catholic Church. Pope (1227-1241 : Gregory IX).Decretales.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impresse Lugduni per Iacobum Marechal: al[ia]s Rolant [for F. Fradin]. Anno Millesimo. cccccx. Die vero .xviij. mensis Aprilis [1510].2°: π² a–z A–R⁸ S¹⁰; aa⁸ -bb⁶ cc⁸ dd¹⁰.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Mareschal for François Fradin.
[View full record] L.23.f.2. 29 July 1510Biblia cum pleno apparatu ...[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressa per Iacobum mareschal. Anno quingentesimo decimo supra millesimum 4. Calendas augusti [1510].8°: aa–bb⁸ cc⁴ dd¹⁰ a–z A–Z AA–QQ⁸ RR⁴; ²A–D⁸ E⁶ F–G⁸.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Mareschal for Simon Vincent.
[View full record] 1408.g.19. (C.108.s.22) 17 October 1511Sallust, 86 B.C.-34 B.C.Opera Salustiana.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressus per Iacobum mareschal. Anno Millesimo quingentesimo vndecimo. die vero decima septima Mensis Octobris [1511].4°: A⁶ a–r⁸ s⁶ t⁴.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Mareschal for Simon Vincent.
[View full record] 1481.c.24. 15 July 1512Ricardus, de Mediavilla, approximately 1249-1308?Richardus de Media Villa ... in quartum sententiarum theologicarum petri lombardi ... opus.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] impressus [pr. by J. Mareschal, for S. Vincent], Anno .M.CCCCC. xij. xv. Iulij [1512].4°: a–c⁸ d⁴ Aa⁶ A–X AA–OO⁸ PP¹⁰.Printed in Lyon for Simon Vincent with the typographical material of Jacques Mareschal (and others?).
[View full record] 3832.c.23. 1512Leges Longobardum.[Lyon]: [pr. by J. Mareschal, for A. Du Ry and S. Vincent], [1512?].8°: aa–xx⁸.Printed in Lyon with the typographical material of Jacques Mareschal for Antoine Du Ry and Simon Vincent.
[View full record] 1608/1182.
5505.a.21 (imperfect)15 April 1513John, of Salisbury, Bishop of Chartres, -1180Iohannis saresberiensis, Policraticus de nugis curialium.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Curauit imprimi Constantinus fradin bibliopola [pr. by J. Mareschal], Anno .M.ccccc. & .xiij. .xvij Kalendas Maij [1513].8°: A⁸ B⁴ a–z aa–zz &&⁸.Printed in Lyon for Constantin Fradin with the typographical material of Jacques Mareschal.
[View full record] 8405.b.20. 4 September 1513Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D.P. Ouidii Nas. Metamorphoseos libri moralizati.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum Lugduni [pr. by J. Mareschal and J. de La Place] impensis Iohannis Robioni, Anno Millesimo [sic] decimotertio quarta die septembris [1513].4°: a⁶ b–z A–B⁸ C⁴; ²A⁶.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Mareschal for Jean Robion.
[View full record] 654.c.18 (lacks title page) 12 October 1513Cigauld, Vincent.Tractatus singularis ac perutilis continens Allegationes Do. Vincentij cigault super bello ytalico.[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugduni et Tholose in intersignio quinque plagarum saluatoris Iesu christi. [Colophon:] Impresse Lugduni in calcographia Iacobi rolant alias mareschal, anno xiij. supra mille et quingentos. die vero xij. Octobris [1513].8°: a–g⁸.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Mareschal for Jean Robion in Lyon and the Compagnie des Cinq Plaies in Toulouse.
[View full record] C.115.n.23(1). 18 March 1514Terence.Comedie Publii Terentii Comici.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressa per Iacobum Mareschal alias Roland. Anno millesimo quingentesimo decimo tertio decima octaua die martij [1513 (1514 n.s.)].8°: a–p Q⁸ R⁶.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Mareschal for Simon Vincent.
[View full record] 11707.aaa.13. 21 March 1514Biblia cum summariorum apparatu pleno.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Lugduni in officina Iacobi mareschal [for S. Vincent], Anno decimo quarto supra millesimum [sic] Duodecimo Kalendas Aprilis [1514].8°: aa–bb⁸ cc⁴ dd¹⁰; a–z A–Z AA–QQ⁸ RR⁴; ²A–D⁸ E⁶ F–G⁸.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Mareschal for Simon Vincent.
[View full record] 466.cc.1. 30 October 1514Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D.Pu. Ouidij Nasonis preclarum opus ... videlicet. Liber heroidum epistolarum. Liber Sapphus. Liber in Ibin.[Lyon]: Venundantur Lugduni et Tolose in intersignio quinque plagarum domini nostri iesu christi. [Colophon:] Lugduni impressi [pr. by J. Mareschal] impensis Iohannis robioni. Anno Millesimo quingentesimo .xiiij. tertio kalendas Nouembris [1514].4°: A⁴ a–o⁸ p⁴ q⁶.Printed in Lyon with the typographical material of Jacques Mareschal for Jean Robion in Lyon and the Compagnie des Cinq Plaies in Toulouse.
[View full record] 654.c.15(2). 11 May 1517Llull, Ramon, 1232?-1316.Illuminati sacre pagine professoris ... Raymundi Lull. ars magna generalis et vltima.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Lugduni per Iacobum Marechal: sumptibus Simonis Vincent. Anno .M.cccccxvij. quinto idus mayas [1517].4°: A⁴ B–Q⁸ R⁴.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Mareschal for Simon Vincent.
[View full record] 1032.c.16. 22 August 1517Champier, Symphorien, 1472?-approximately 1535.Mirabilium diuinorum et humanorum volumina quattuor ... a domino Simphoriano champerio ...[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressa Lugd. per Iacobum mareschal [for S. Vincent]. Anno M.cccccxvij. xxij. mensis Augusti [1517].4°: A⁶ B⁴, a–g, aa–ff, aaa–ccc, aaaa–bbbb⁸ cccc⁴ dddd⁶.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Mareschal for Simon Vincent.
[View full record] 1017.k.1. 19 November 1518Ubaldi, Baldo degli, 1327?-1400.Lectura acutissimi iuris vtriusque doc. ... Baldi de Perusio super tribus libris Codicis.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressa Lugd. per Iacobum mareschal [for V. de Portonariis]. Anno .M.CCCCC.xviij. die .xix. Nouembris [1518].2°: A–I⁶.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Mareschal for Vincent de Portonariis.
[View full record] IC.25150(5). 12 February 1519Gregory, I, Pope, approximately 540-604.Sancti Gregorii ... liber Moralium in beatum Iob ... Que omnia visit: ... frater Ioannes Lagrenus ...[Lyon]: [Colophon:] labore & curis Iacobi mareschal Lugduni excusi [for S. Vincent], Anno millesimo quingentesimo duodeuigesimo mensis Februarij die duodecimo [1518 (1519 n.s.)].4°: AA–BB a–z A–N⁸ Q¹⁰ aa–bb⁸.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Mareschal for Simon Vincent.
[View full record] 3166.ee.1. 29 April 1519Valerius Maximus.Valerius Maximus. Valerij maximi actorum et factorum memorabilium libri nouem.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Finis ... impressorum [sic] per Iacobum Mareschal [for S. Vincent]. Anno .M.CCCCC xix. xxix. die Aprilis [1519].8°: A–Z Aa–Ff⁸.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Mareschal for Simon Vincent.
[View full record] C.69.c.12. 20 August 1519Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D.P. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseos Libri moralizati.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum fuit Lugduni in edibus Iacobi mareschal. Anno Millesimo quingentesimo decimonono uicesima die mensis Augusti [1519].4°: a⁶ b–z & ʔ ꝝ⁸ A⁶ Aa⁶.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Mareschal.
[View full record] 654.c.21.
834.k.16 (lacks Aa6)16 October 1519Biblia cum summariorum apparatu ...[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Lugduni in officina Iacobi mareschal [for S. Vincent]. Anno decimonono supra millesimum Decimoseptimo Kalendas Nouembris [1519].8°: aa–bb⁸ cc⁴ dd¹⁰; a–z A–Z AA–QQ⁸ RR⁴ ²A–D⁸ E⁶ F–G⁸.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Mareschal for Simon Vincent.
[View full record] 464.a.4. 18 November 1519La Pape, Guy de, approximately 1402-approximately 1487.Consilia domini Guidonis pape.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Lugduni per Iacobum mareschal [for S. Vincent], anno decimonono supra mille & quingentos. Die .xviij. mensis Nouembris [1519].4°: A–C a–y⁸ z⁴.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Mareschal for Simon Vincent.
[View full record] 5255.d.1(1). 24 April 1520Jerome, Saint, -419 or 420.Hieronymus In vitas patrum percelebre opus.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressis Lugduni Per Iacobum Mareschal [for S. Vincent]. Anno .M.cccccxx. die vero .xxiiij. Mensis Aprilis [1520].4°: A⁶ a–t⁸ v⁴ x⁸.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Mareschal for Simon Vincent.
[View full record] 4827.dd.20. 10 August 1520Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430.Diui Aurelij Augustini Hipponensis episcopi Liber quinquaginta Homeliarum.[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Lugduni impressus: in edibus Iacobi Mareschal. Anno M.ccccc.xx. Die vero .x. mensis Augusti [1520].4°: Aa–Ee⁸ Ff⁶.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Mareschal.
[View full record] 3805.df.11(2). 11 August 1520Augustine, of Hippo, Saint, 354-430.[Sermones.]Diui Aug. Sermones.[Lyon]: [Colophon 1:] Lugduni impressa fuere in edibus Iacobi Mareschal. Anno M.ccccc.xx. Die vero .iiij. mensis Augusti. [Colophon 2:] Lugd. in edibus Iacobi Mareschal. Anno .M.ccccc.xx. Die vero .xviij. mensis Augusti. [Colophon 3:] Lugd. in edibus Iacobi mareschal impressa. Anno .M.ccccc.xx. Die vero .xij. mensis Iulij. [Colophon 4:] Lugduni in edibus Iacobi Mareschal impressa:, Anno .M.ccccc.xx. Die vero .xj. mensis Augusti [1520].4°: A–B⁸ C¹⁰ a–z ²A⁸ B¹⁰ AAa–CCc⁸; AA⁸ BB⁴ aa–yy⁸ zz⁴; aaa–zzz AAA–HHH⁸.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Mareschal.
[View full record] 3805.df.11(1) and (3). 15 December 1520[Bible. Latin.]Textus biblie cum glosa ordinaria. Nicolai de Lyra postilla. ...[Lyon]: [Colophon 1:] Lugduni impressa in ędibus Iacobi mareschal. Anno .M.ccccc.xx. die vero .xxvj. Octobris. [Colophon 2:] Lugduni impressa in ędibus Iacobi mareschal artis impressorie peritissimi. Anno M.ccccc.xx. Die vero .xv. Decembris [1520].2°: a–z A⁸/⁶ B–C⁶ D–Z aa–ff⁸/⁶ gg–hh⁸; a–d⁸ e–f⁶ g–q⁸ r–v⁸/⁶ x⁶ y–z A⁸ B–N⁸/⁶ O–P⁸ Q–S⁶ T–V⁸; a–zaa–qq⁸/⁶ rr⁶; aa–zz AA–ZZ aaa– vvv⁸/⁶ xxx⁸ yyy¹⁰; a–z A–L⁸/⁶ M⁸; aa–zz AA–RR⁸/⁶ SS⁶.Printed in Lyon by Jacques Mareschal.
[View full record] 465.g.8–13.
L.16.a.5 (Repertorium only)1520Virgil.Vergilius.[Lyon]: [pr. by J. Mareschal?], [c. 1520?].8°: A–Y AA–KK⁸ LL¹²(?).Probably printed in Lyon with the typographical material of Jacques Mareschal for Frédéric d’Egmont.
[View full record] 1068.e.1 (lacks title page and all after LL8)
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