Gringore, Pierre, Chasteau de labour. English. 1503?. 4°. Paris: Gillet Couteau, for Antoine Verard.
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Gringore, Pierre, approximately 1475-1538?
[Chasteau de labour. English.]
[The castle of labour] .
[Paris]: [pr. by G. Cousteau, for A. Verard?], [1503?].
Printed in Paris for Antoine Verard by Gillet Cousteau with Verard’s typographical material (batarde type with looped ‘d’ and the 15 mm strapwork initials).
Typographically similar to the Kalendar of Shyppars, 1503 (STC 22407, IS000604).
Types: B7 (96mm).
Initials: 15.
Illustrations: woodcut.
STC 12379.
[IS000608] | C.59.ff.4 (a one-leaf fragment, formerly in the Bagford Collection, Harl. 5919(215)) |