Catholic Church. Pope (approximately 1260-1314 : Clement V). Constitutiones. 1510. 8°. Paris: Raoul Cousturier, for Guillaume Eustace.
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14 March 1510
Catholic Church. $b Pope (approximately 1260-1314 : Clement V).
Clementis pape quinti singulares constitutionum textus tam .xx. extrauagantium .xxij. Iohannis pape.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] ere & impensis Guillermi Eustace commorantis in vico Iudaico [pr. by R. Cousturier], Anno .1509. xiiij. Martij [1509 (1510 n.s.?)].
8°: A–F⁸.
Printed in Paris for Guillaume Eustace with the typographical material of Raoul Cousturier, both working in the rue Judas.
Signature pattern: ‘$.j.’–‘$.iiij.’.
Catchword pattern: none.
Initials: 19; 22.
Devices: Renouard 309 (G. Eustace); Renouard 311 (G. Eustace).
Lombards: 5.5.
Illustrations: red fleur de lys, 61×38 mm.
Inventaire chronologique 1509, no. 53.
[IS000903] | 1608/935(2). |