Biel, Gabriel, Sacri canonis missae expositio. 1517. 2°. Lyon: Johann Clein, for himself.
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1 June 1517
Biel, Gabriel, -1495.
Gabrielis Biel sacre theosophie licenciati ... sacri canonis misse ... expositio.
[Lyon]: [Colophon:] industria & impensis Iohannis cleyn chalcographi atque bibliopole in Lugdunen. emporio impressa:, Anno Millesimo quingentesimo decimoseptimo ad kalendas Iunias [1517].
2°: a⁸ b–z A–H⁶ I⁸ ✠¹⁰.
Printed in Lyon by Johann Clein.
Signature pattern: ‘$’–‘$iiij’.
Catchword pattern: quire.
Initials: 10.
Devices: Baudrier, xii, 294 (J. Clein, device C).
Illustrations: title-page compartment.
Baudrier, xii, 296-7.
von Gültlingen, i, Clein, no. 76.
[IS001716] | 689.f.16. |