Baptista, Mantuanus, Works. 1516. 8°. Lyon: Bernard Lescuyer and Etienne de Basignana.

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23 June 1516
Baptista, Mantuanus, 1448-1516.
Ad mortalium oblectationem. ... Vltima pars operis.
[Lyon]: [Colophon 1:] Impressum. In florentissima lugdunensi ciuitate. Solertia. Stephani de Basignana. In officina. Bernardi Lescuyer. 1516. [Colophon 2:], Anno Millessimo [sic] quingentessimo [sic] decimosexto. Mensis Iunij vigessimosexto [1516].
8°: a–q; aa–cc; A–K; AA–KK⁸ LL⁴; ²a–b⁸.
Printed in Lyon, apparently printed by Etienne de Basignana in the workshop of Bernard Lescuyer.
The title page announces a royal and apostolic privilege for four years.
Signature pattern: ‘$’–‘$iiij’.
Catchword pattern: none.
Types: It3 (81mm); Rot82 (58mm).
Initials: 13.
Devices: Device of Etienne de Basignana (Baudrier, ii, 4).
Illustrations: arms of Sigismund Gonzaga.
Adams M389.
Baudrier, ii, 6–9.
David J. Shaw, ‘The Lyons counterfeit of Aldus’s italic type: a new chronology’, In: The Italian book 1465–1800: Studies presented to Dennis E. Rhodes on his 70th birthday, British Library, 1993, 117–133, no. 65.
von Gültlingen, iii, Lescuyer, no. 8.
11405.a.48 (misbound; lacks second half)