Articella. 1519. 8°. Lyon: Jacques Myt, for Constantin Fradin.
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5 October 1519
Articella nuperrime impressa cum quamplurimis tractatibus.
[Lyon]: [Colophon:] Impressum lugduni per Iacobum myt impensis Constantini fradin, Anno .M. vc.xix. die. quinto Mensis octobris [1519].
8°: a–z & ʔ ꝝ A–Z ²&⁸ ²ʔ⁴.
Printed in Lyon by Jacques Myt for Constantin Fradin.
Signature pattern: ‘$’–‘$iiij’.
Catchword pattern: none.
Initials: 13; 25.
Illustrations: red fleur de lys; four-piece title-page frame.
Baudrier, xi, 124–5.
von Gültlingen, ii, Myt, no. 59.
[IS001666] | 544.b.8. |