Pontanus, Petrus, Incomparanda Genovefeum. 1513. 4°. Paris: Guillaume Le Rouge, for Denis Roce.

From French post-incunables
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26 January 1513
Pontanus, Petrus, -1529.
[Incomparanda Genovefeum.]
Petri de ponte ceci brugensis incomparanda Genouefeum.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Impressum parrhysii prelis et opera Guielmi le rouge expensis et vtilitate Dyonisii roce, Anno quingentesimo duodecimo supra millesimum septimo Kalendas februarias [1512 (1513 n.s.)].
4°: π² A–V⁴/⁸ X⁴ y⁸ z AA⁴ BB⁶ (BB6 blank?).
Printed in Paris by Guillaume Le Rouge for Denis Roce.
With a dedication to Philippus Cognatus and a letter to Petrus de Ponte by Stephanus de Noviant dated 9 December 1512.
Gathering π² is an errata fold with another title page.
Signature pattern: ‘$i’–‘$iii’ and ‘$iiii’.
Catchword pattern: none.
Types: T6 (220mm); R20 (64mm); It2 (93mm).
Initials: 15; 21; 28.
Devices: Renouard 1005 (D. Roce).
Illustrations: red fleur de lys of G. Le Rouge; woodcut, 109×70 mm, of beheaded saint and recording angel.
Adams P1886.
Inventaire chronologique 1513, no. 696.
Monceaux no. 63.
[IS000456]1069.b.11 (lacks sig. π).