Montholon, Jean de, Promptuarium diuini iuris ac vtriusque humani. 1520. 2°. Paris: Henri Estienne, for Simon de Colines.

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26 October 1520
Montholon, Jean de.
Promptuarium diuini iuris ac vtriusque humani, Pontificij & Caesarei, ab Ioanne de Montholon ... elaborati.
Parisiis: in aedibus [vol. 2: ex officina] Henrici Stephani. 1520. [Colophon:] Parhisijs in ędibus Henrici Stephani [issued by S. de Colines], die ante Nouembris Calendas septima. Anno .1520.
2°: ₵⁶ a¹⁰ b–z A–Z aa–dd⁸ ee–ff⁶; AA–ZZ aaa–sss⁶ ttt¹⁰.
Printed in Paris by Henri Estienne for Simon de Colines.
Royal privilege at end, to S. de Colines, for three years, dated Paris, 2 October 1520, signed Bordel.
Issued after Estienne’s death by his successor S. de Colines.
Signature pattern: ‘$.j.’–‘$.iiij.’.
Catchword pattern: none.
Types: Rcaps 10 (mm; 10 mm Rcaps); T6 (225mm); R6 (107mm); R16 (83mm); T11 (140mm); R19 (63mm); R10 (92mm).
Initials: 45; 20 mm Rcaps.
Illustrations: Estienne’s compartment I and compartment IV.
Adams M1718.
Inventaire chronologique 1520, no. 2429.