Liturgies. Hours. Poitiers. 1507?. 8°. Paris: Philippe Pigouchet, for Simon Vostre.

From French post-incunables
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[Liturgies. Hours. Poitiers.]
Ces presentes heures a lusaige de Poytiers.
[Paris]: ont este faictes pour Symon vostre [pr. by P. Pigouchet], [1507?].
8°: a b–h⁸ i⁴; ²a ê î⁸.
Printed in Paris with the typographical material of Philippe Pigouchet for Simon Vostre.
Almanach for 1507–1527.
Signature pattern: ‘$.i.’ or ‘$.ii.’.
Catchword pattern: none.
Types: B11 (81mm); B7 (98mm); Rot69 (65mm); Rot94 (55mm).
Initials: none.
Devices: Renouard 1105 (S. Vostre).
Illustrations: woodcuts and borders.
Bohatta 378.
Inventaire chronologique 1507, no. 98.
[IS000100]C.52.b.12 (vellum)