Froissart, Jean, Chroniques. 1505. 2°. Paris: Michel Le Noir

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15 July 1505
Froissart, Jean, 1338?-1410?
Le premier [- quart] volume de Froissart des Croniques de France.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Imprime a paris par Michel le noir, Lan mil cinq cens et cinq le xxviii. iour de may [1505].
2°: πa⁸ a–z & aa–ll⁸; A⁶ B–F⁸ G⁶ H–PP⁸; aaa⁶ bbb–ggg⁸ hhh⁶ iii–zzz &&& ʔʔʔ aaaa–eeee⁸ (eeee8 blank); π² AAA–MMM⁸ NNN⁶ OOO⁸.
Printed in Paris by Michel Le Noir and André Bocard.
Colophon of book 2 (printed with the typographical material of A. Bocard) dated ‘Le quinziesme de Iuillet Mil cinq cens et cinq’ [15/7/1505].
Colophon of book 3 dated ‘Lan mil cinq cens & cinq le .vii. iour de iuing’ [7/6/1505].
Colophon of book 4 dated ‘Lan mil cinq cens & cinq le .xxviii iour du mois de Iuing’ [28/6/1505].
The Inventaire chronologique distinguishes two issues of the first six leaves of vol. 3.
Signature pattern: ‘$i’–‘$iiii.’.
Catchword pattern: none.
Types: Rot3 (180mm); T20 (112mm); B4 (94mm).
Initials: 21; 26; L 122×81 (5 faces, 2 animals).
Inventaire chronologique 1505, no. 67.
[IS000190]1309.k.9–11 (lacks OOO8, blank?)
IB.41230(3) (parts 3 and 4 only; lacks OOO8, blank?)