De imitatione christi. 1505. 8°. Paris: Gaspard Philippe, for Jean Petit and Denis Roce.

From French post-incunables
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3 May 1505
De imitatione christi.
[Paris]: [Colophon:] Explicitum ... exaratumque Parisij [pr. by G. Philippe] pro Iohanne paruo. Anno Millesimo quingentesimo quinto tertia die maij [1505].
8°: a–m⁸.
Printed in Paris for Jean Petit with the device of Denis Roce on the title page (BnF) and the device and typographical material of Gaspard Philippe.
Signature pattern: ‘$.i.’–‘$.iiij.’.
Catchword pattern: none.
Types: Rot69 (63mm; curly U); T20 (108mm).
Initials: 11; 21×19.
Devices: Renouard 915 (G. Philippe).
Lombards: 9.0 .
Fairfax-Murray 190.
Inventaire chronologique 1505, no. 114.
[IS000424]IX.Lat.154 (lacks title page)