Artaud, Thibaut, Exposition de la reigle monsieur sainct Benoist. 1518?. 2°. Paris: Pierre Vidoue, for Simon Vostre.

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Artaud, Thibaut.
La tresample et vraye exposition de la Reigle monsieur Sainct Benoist.
[Paris]: Nouuellement Imprimee a Paris. Pour Symon Vostre. [Colophon:] Imprimee a paris: par Maistre Pierre Vidoue Pour Symon Vostre, [c. 1518].
2°: a–z & ʔ A–C⁶ D⁸.
Printed in Paris by Pierre Vidoue for Simon Vostre.
The Inventaire chronologique records the date of this book as [1510], using an incorrect inferential date taken from La Caille; Vidoue had not started printing at this date; the state of the device and the typographical material suggest a date of c. 1518.
Signature pattern: ‘$’–‘$.iii.’ ‘$.iii’ and ‘$iii’.
Catchword pattern: none.
Types: T5 (230mm); T17 (116mm); Rot61 (81mm); B9 (81mm).
Initials: 22; 28; 35.
Devices: Renouard 1107 (S. Vostre).
Inventaire chronologique 1510, no. 15.